Ara-Tajian Monk Profession in Theras | World Anvil

Ara-Tajian Monk

Ara-Tajian Monk is a monk who unlike most Monk, do not use Ki, but rather tap onto Lebenskraft. The Art itself is described by them as tapping into the balance of the Negative and Positive planes and not Ki, as their focus is also different. In addition, unlike many Monks, these monks, though proficient and terrifying with their martial arts, are more accustomed to fighting with special enchanted weapons rather than their fists.


Career Progression

Most Monks of Ara-Taj are initiates who failed their trainings as clerics. TThese monks develop a unique perspective, seeing 'Life-Force' rather than divine favor as the key to their discipline and power. They share common tenets and initial training, culminating in a ceremony to determine if they are chosen to channel divine magic. Those who succeed become clerics, pursuing missions called by their deities of the Narsilian Pantheon.   The monks, however, are those who were not chosen. They transform the same rigorous training meant to awaken divine magic into the ability to control the innate power all living beings possess in the form of ki. Monks who adhere to their vows can continue their training, serving as guards, teachers, administrators, or experts in the art of Warfare within the temples, alongside clerics not called to adventure. Other monks may have renounced their vows, lived temporarily in the temple, or been called to special missions, such as those of the Order of the Brass Talon.


Social Status

The Monks of Ara-Taj, are considered the leaders, more than the holy people of Ara-Taj, providing social care and solace to all the inhabitants.
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