Lendys Character in Theras | World Anvil

Lendys (LEN-dis)

Lendys is the deity of Strategy. Lendys also serves as the arbiter of dragonkind, overseeing matters of good and evil while embodying the principle of balance in all things. Often referred to as the personification of justice, he upholds the belief that every action carries consequences and strives to maintain equilibrium in the world. Lendys ensures that wrongdoing is met with appropriate retribution, rewarding good deeds with their due, and meting out punishment accordingly. Unyielding in his resolve, he grants no clemency or forgiveness, adhering strictly to the tenets of justice without offering second chances.   As arbiter of dragonkind, Lendys serves as judge, jury, and executioner. When a dragon committed an injustice against all dragons, Lendys or one of his great wyrm followers go to dispatch appropriate justice. Punishments are severe and no one heard of anyone appealing to his mercy.   As the The Lord of Strategy, Lendys serves as the eptimome of the strategist and he is considered to be taught at every academy in Kingdom of Arasil and Chancellery of Rhovasil. While the Strategos Ascendant Institute is considered to be the greatest temple of Kord, the true people knowe that this is truly one of the greatest temples of Lendys.   Lendys is known to exact a curse of Dracolichdom upon those who have failed dragonkind extremely.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Lendys garners the most devotion from dragons who uphold lawful principles, yet they often seek to temper his relentless nature with acts of compassion.   The clergy of Lendys hold the solemn responsibility of adjudicating disputes within dragon society. At times, communities have even sought the guidance of Lendys's clerics to administer justice.  
Becoming the essence of strategy
After the death of Shah in 925 AB, the Clergy expanded much and took control of heir clergy.
  Followers of the faith are prominently featured within the armed forces across Grand Armies of the Araso and Neo-Ordosi, often assuming prestigious roles as commanders of elite units. Others are esteemed educators within military academies, while some excel as logistical experts, adept at procuring and managing vital resources or establishing and safeguarding supply routes in hostile environments. Many clerics of Lendys have authored treatises on military tactics and strategy. During their off-duty hours, adherents of Lendys often indulge in games of skill, adhering to a tradition that emphasizes games requiring strategic acumen rather than relying on chance as favored by Avandra. By honing their abilities in various abstract games, they aim to enhance their cognitive prowess, develop new strategic approaches, and refine their capacity to anticipate an opponent's moves.  
Regardless of class, priests of the Lendys are regimented into a hierarchy with corresponding titles. In ascending order of rank these were:
  • Page
  • Squire
  • Knight
  • Knight Quartermaster
  • Knight Commander
  • Knight Captain
  • Lord Knight
  • Lord Knight Commandant
  • Lord Knight of the Court
There are few temples to the dragon god of Justice. Most dragons often have small shrines to him in their lairs. Other races have a small shrine engraved with his holy symbol set up in a courtroom or courthouse. However, the church of Stormwardens of Kord, they hold shrines to Lendys, ever honoring him.  
Clerics devoted to Lendys engage in nightly prayer sessions to commune with their deity and prepare for the challenges of the forthcoming day.   In the eyes of Lendys's clergy, any pursuit of justice, including trials, is considered a sacred rite. They approach their duty of uncovering truth in trials with utmost solemnity and dedication.

Tenets of Faith

In Contrast to Bahamut's clergy, Lendys Clergy has a different code:   The Balance code
  • All actions have an appropriate and proportional reaction.
  • Evil deeds are met with fitting consequences, while virtuous acts merit rightful rewards.
  • Those who live by fang and claw die by fang and claw.
  • Adhere to the established laws of dragonkind and mete out agreed-upon penalties to transgressors, regardless of justification.
  • The life of every dragon is akin to a balanced scale, wherein excessive actions require correction from the Balancer or its agents.
  • Maintain fairness and impartiality in all interactions, and consistently pursue truth.
  Since the death of Shah in the year 925 AB, Lendys has taken the portfolio of Strategy, Planning and Tactics to his portfolio and he adopted the main Tenets of Faith of Shah: The Lord of Strategy
  • Victory in warfare hinges on superior planning, strategy, and tactics, irrespective of the odds at hand. Even with luck on their side, the unwise can snatch defeat from the brink of victory, whereas only a skilled strategist can secure enduring triumph.
  • War comprises a sequence of individual battles, and defeat in one does not necessarily signify the loss of the entire conflict.
  • Identify the weaknesses of your adversary while acknowledging your own; evade their strengths and leverage your own. Success lies in channeling your strengths against the vulnerabilities of your opponent.
  • Avoid an opponent’s strengths and play to your own. Only by focusing one's own strengths on the opponent's vulnerabilities can triumph be ensured.
  • In times of war prepare for peace; in times of peace prepare for war.
  • Cultivate alliances with your enemy’s adversaries and remain open to compromise.
  • Life is an endless series of skirmishes with occasional outbreaks of war.
  • Be ready---and have a contingency plan.
  Some of his dragon adepts followed the Ptarian Code, a draconic code of honor created by the gold dragon Ptaris in the ancient past. Originally intended as a guide to conduct for the lords who attended the King of Justice, the Ptarian Code eventually was adopted by many gold and silver dragons.   Expand the Ptarian Code
The Ptarian Code is similar to the codes of chivalry adopted by knightly orders of humanity. It includes paying homage to Lendys, as well to the draconic deities Bahamut and Tamara. The major precepts are:   Justice and Good above all.
Honor and Fealty to the King.
Honor and Respect to Righteous Innocence.
Honor and Duty to the Balancer (Lendys), to Her Mercy (Tamara), and to the Justicemaker (Bahamut).
Honor and Protection to the Lesser Races.
Honor and Correction to the Enemies of Justice and Good.
Honor and Forbearance for oneself.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

In his inherent state, Lendys appears as a colossal platinum dragon lacking wings, adorned with scales dulled by tarnish, and his eyes emit radiant beams of light, leaving none concealed from his scrutiny. It is rumored that his focus on assessing others outweighed his concern for self-judgment.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

During The Gods War, when Lendys took the portfolio of Shah - he also used a large portion of its to sustain Solonor Thelandira, who was defeated by Bane.   Since the destruction of the Old Kyth Order in 1,051 AB he is the sponsor of psionic people, espacially with the Arasilisch and Neo-Ordosi.  

Myths and Legends

The Divine Triad
He is traditionally revered as Tamara's partner and is often worshipped alongside her and Bahamut, with some beliefs portraying Bahamut as their offspring. However, in reality, Tamara is the consort of Bahamut.  
The Child of Doom
Many Giant deities tell of a tale, of Lendys being the offspring of both Bahamut and Tiamat. While many scholars can't believe that Lendys is truly the offspring by biological, many primordials say that Tiamat and Bahamut were evened out in a great schasm between them and Lendys was born out of this conflict, forever becoming the god who weiidged the heart.

Personality Characteristics


Being one of the main triad deities of Strategies, Landys, Bane and Solonor Thelandira. Lendys is the true god of strategy among the triad, involving all aspects of both of them. However, In the structure of the triad, he ensures balance and is the ultimate authority and the one who practice the true strategy.   In this matter, even though Bane is a greater deity, is no match for strategy for Lendys.
The Balancer;
Scale of Justice;
Weigher of Lives;
The Grandmaster of the Dragonchess;
The Lord of Strategy;
Divine Classification
Intermediate Power
Lawful Neutral
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Related Myths
Solonor Thelandira
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Balance, Battle, Leadership, Planning, Psionics, Strategy, Tactics, Warfare
Law (Archon, Devil, Inevitable, Judgement), Glory, Nobility, Protection, Scalykind (Dragon), War (Tactics)
A sword balanced on the point of a needle
Dragons, Generals, Commanders, Knights, Chessmasters, Neo-Ordosi, Arasilisch Kyth.
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Claw (Longsword) and Halberd
Holy Days


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