Cáel Character in Theras | World Anvil


Cáel, which means in common "Wise" or "Knowledgeable" was a human who advocated for the halflings of Hobbitland to have the lands granted to them by the Sovereign Imperator.   Cáel was a great cleric of Thea, who had foresaw many draughts and plagues that could have the The Bafigron Empire crippled, but for his wisdom, the Empire endured while many other countries sought help to avoid the hunger.   However, the greatest deed of Cáel was giving the Halflings a country to have as their own. This he had achieved after having the halflings vow to give a yearly quota of grain and if needed, every 5 years an allotment of recruits to the Empire.   Many of Cáel's writing are saved at Sophia-Hold.
441 AB 513 AB 72 years old


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