Solariad Spire Settlement in Theras | World Anvil

Solariad Spire

Solariad Spire, the greatest library in all the realms, stands as a testament to the pursuit of knowledge and the power of intellect. It is a sprawling complex that stretches across countless floors, both above and below the surface. Its grand halls and intricate chambers house an immeasurable collection of books, scrolls, and ancient tomes that span the ages.   Within the walls of Solariad Spire, scholars, sages, and seekers of knowledge from every corner of the world gather to study, learn, and share their discoveries. The library is renowned for its extensive archives, housing invaluable texts on subjects ranging from history and philosophy to magic and the arcane arts. The accumulated knowledge within its walls is said to be unparalleled, attracting scholars and adventurers alike who seek the secrets held within.  
In order to enter the Great Citadel, you must have one of the two:
  1. Invitation
    You could be someone's or an organization's guest here and here on their behalf.
  2. Merit
    You, yourself can gain entry, if you bring an important piece of information, literature, if that would be poem, book or anything.


The Defences themselves are impressive, with many adventurers, sages.   However, the rumors say that Sophis and Ioun themselves have here an avatar active at any time.
Founding Date
46 AB
Location under
Owning Organization


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