Celebren Enethril Military Formation in Theras | World Anvil

Celebren Enethril

The Celebren Enethril, are the elite units of the Mitherbin, of The Sylvan Kingdom of Eryndor.   In addition to the abilities of Mitherbin, they are also accompanied by spirits of the forest, who offer them guidance, reveal hidden paths or provide insights into the enemy's movement.   They are also rumored to have mystical archery skills, shot at high speed from their steeds and their arrows themselves are often coated with many poisons or worse, magical abilities.   The Celebren Enethril, are known to often blink into the Feywild and then appear hundred of feet away and their steeds.   For the courage and their contribution, they are sometimes rewarded with Ethereal Steeds.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Parent Formation


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