Concerning Hobbits Document in Theras | World Anvil

Concerning Hobbits

This is a book that very much confers the studies of Cáel. The book mainly focuses on the origins of the halflings, among many versions that the sages found to be most likely:

First Version

In other world, perhaps before the Era of Bridges, the first documents, tell us of the humans of the land were prosperous and powerful and after few hundred years, they had sought to ignore the gods, claiming that they have no need of them; As their arrogance grew, the gods begrudged them all, until a day came when the humans tried to build several towers with capabilities to withdrew the powers of the gods to their own bidding. As such, the gods grew angry at the human's arrogance and decided to teach them a lesson. They chose to transform a group of humans into half of what they used to be. Half of their height and power - hence the name "Halflings"   The halflings were bewildered by their new forms and struggled to adapt to their diminutive size. According to this version, the halfling were mocked and scorned by other 'barbaric' humans, who saw them as a reminder of their own fallibility.   But the halflings were not deterred. They embraced their new forms and developed a unique culture all their own. They became skilled farmers, gardeners, and cooks, renowned for their love of good food and conviviality.   Despite their small size, the halflings were not afraid to stand up to larger foes. They became expert thieves and smugglers, using their quick reflexes and nimble fingers to outsmart their opponents. They were also known for their sense of humor and love of pranks, often playing tricks on unsuspecting humans.   Over time, the halflings developed a strong sense of community and loyalty. They formed tight-knit clans and families, with each member looking out for the others. They were known for their generosity and hospitality, always eager to share a good meal or a warm fire with friends and strangers alike.   As the years passed, the halflings became a beloved part of the land. They remained close to the natural world and had a deep reverence for the gods who had cursed them into their current form. They were a reminder to the humans of the land that humility and kindness were virtues to be cherished, and that even the smallest among them could make a difference in the world.   Despite their difficult origins, the halflings had learned to thrive in their new forms, and they had become a vibrant and beloved part of many fantasy worlds.  

Second Version

The halflings were once great and powerful warriors who fought against the gods themselves. In others, they were humble farmers who refused to pay tribute to the gods or violated some sacred taboo.   Whatever the cause, the gods were angered by the humans and chose to punish them by transforming them into halflings - small, diminutive creatures with a love of food and drink and a penchant for mischief.   At first, the halflings were distraught and confused by their new forms. They struggled to adapt to their diminutive size and lack of strength. But over time, they learned to embrace their new form and developed a unique culture all their own.   They became skilled farmers, gardeners, and cooks, renowned for their love of good food and conviviality. They also developed a talent for stealth and subterfuge, becoming expert thieves and smugglers. Their small size and quick reflexes made them difficult to catch, and they took pride in their ability to outsmart larger, more powerful opponents.   Despite their love of food and drink, the halflings were not a lazy people. They were hardworking and industrious, and they had a strong sense of community and loyalty. They formed tight-knit clans and families, with each member looking out for the others.   Over time, the halflings became known as a race of friendly and cheerful beings, beloved by all who knew them. They remained close to the land and the natural world, and they had a deep reverence for the gods who had cursed them into their current form.   Despite the hardship of their curse, the halflings embraced their new life and became a vibrant and beloved part of many fantasy worlds.  

Third Version

Long ago, the halflings were not the small and jolly creatures they are now. They were once human, living in a peaceful and prosperous land known as Thalia. The land was bountiful, and the people lived in harmony with the natural world.   But their idyllic existence was not to last. One day, a group of goblin gods arrived, led by their powerful leader, Maglubiyet. The goblin gods were jealous of the human's happiness and wanted to take their land for themselves.   In a great battle that lasted for years, the humans fought bravely against the goblin gods. But despite their best efforts, they were eventually defeated. The goblin gods, in their wrath, cursed the surviving humans, transforming them into small, diminutive creatures known as halflings.   The halflings were no longer the tall, proud humans they once were, but they still retained their love of peace and harmony. They learned to adapt to their new form, living off the land and using their small size to their advantage.   Over time, the halflings formed their own communities, building their homes in the hills and valleys of Thalia. They learned to work together, using their unique skills and abilities to create a thriving society.   Despite the curse that had been placed upon them, the halflings remained a peaceful and happy people. They embraced their new form and their new way of life, finding joy in the simple pleasures of good food, good company, and the beauty of the world around them.   And so the halflings lived on, long after the humans of Thalia had faded into memory. Though they were small in stature, they remained a symbol of resilience and hope, reminding all who encountered them that even in the face of great adversity, it is possible to find happiness and peace.


The Doucmentation of Halfling's deeds, culture, proses, poems and origins as written by Cáel.


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