Maglubiyet Character in Theras | World Anvil

Maglubiyet (ma-GLUB-i-yet)

Maglubiyet is the patron god of both goblins and hobgoblins. Similar in many ways to Gruumsh, the orcish god; he wishes to see war waged for the glory of his people, and eternally urges them on to conflict and strife. Maglubiyet’s favored targets for this warfare are slightly different. Whilst orcs drive ever on to virtually any new habitat they can find, goblins have a stronger affinity with underground environments. Maglubiyet wishes to see his people destroy surface races, of course, but this is for the glory of war and carnage rather than for territory. The prime enemies and competitors for the goblins are dwarves and gnomes, and these are the races Maglubiyet drives his servants to destroy whenever they find them.   Maglubiyet, had an agreement with Bane that very much suit his purposes and together, he allowed Bane to initiate The Strife Curse. This ensured that the Goblin rebellion of 'do-gooders' in in 205 BB that occured in the forest of Bayjan, would never occur again.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Both goblins and hobgoblins venerate Maglubiyet, with goblin followers sometimes known as "Maglubiyet's sons". The tasloi, too, pay homage to a form of Maglubiyet.   Maglubiyet's priests and shamans serve as his representatives in the material world, conducting blood sacrifices with axes to appease and empower him. Members of his clergy are typically selected from the goblin and hobgoblin populations.   He communicates with his clergy via signs, including blood dripping from an axe, unusual actions from worgs and wolves, or by directly speaking through shamans in a trance.  
Maglubiyet is worshiped in cave temples where sacrifices of hearts are made to him monthly.


His holy day is the new moon of Luna.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Maglubiyet thrives on strife and ruin, incessantly urging his adherents to battle, especially targeting dwarves and gnomes. He advocates for the proliferation of goblins to overwhelm their foes. Driven by paranoia, he is quick to annihilate minor goblin gods if he senses betrayal or believes they are amassing too much power.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Myths and legends
In times past, Maglubiyet had two sons who served as his lieutenants. However, in true Goblin fashion, he decided that they were a threat. To get rid of them he sent them on suicide missions against the orcs and dwarves until they were slain.

Personality Characteristics


Maglubiyet advocates for a strict hierarchy within goblin and hobgoblin communities, ensuring a clear rank for every tribe member. Leadership is maintained through strength, and any sign of weakness leads to rapid dethronement, aligning with Maglubiyet's desires. Although goblins can live up to about 50 years, their leaders rarely achieve such longevity. As a deity marked by paranoia, Maglubiyet eliminated his own sons through fatal missions to preclude any threats to his rule. His counsel consists of select baatezu advisers and yugoloth mercenaries to aid in his perpetual conflicts.
The High Chieftain;
The Battle Lord;
The Mighty;
The Lord of Deapths and Darkness;
Divine Classification
Neutral Evil
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Bargrivyek, Grankhul, Khurgorbaeyag, Nomog-Geaya
Goblins, Hobgoblins
Leadership, War
Destruction, Evil (Cannibalism, Corruption, Daemon, Demodand, Devil, Fear, Kyton), Trickery (Ambush, Deception, Greed, Thievery), War
Bloody Axe
Goblinoids, Tribe Leaders, Fighters
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Battle Axe
Holy Days


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