Crescent Grove Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil

Crescent Grove

The Crescent Grove is at the center of the Seldarine's joint realm of Arvandor.   The palace is an ever-changing blend of nature and art, combining an architecture of white marble pillars and walkways with enormous white-barked tree. Many turrets go out from the main spire in a confusing yet beautiful way. Many petitioners of Arvandor spend their time here, reflecting in quiet contemplation and enjoying some undisturbed solitude. The tower resonates with the presence of its deities.   Inside the tower, the appearance of the rooms is ever-changing. They are decorated with numerous elvish works of art, both beautiful and terrible. Only the throne room at the center remains a constant.   The Crescent Grove is known to have a permanent portal in the Feywild, making sure that the Fey Eladrin may find home at Arvandor.  

Notable Areas

At the center of the palace stands the rising tower with windows of crystal called the Overlook. It offers a breathtaking view of the entire realm, and even into the prime worlds that are home to elves. It is a favorite destination for visitors.  
Wisdom's Height
The palace's throne room is named Wisdom's Height. As an annual event, visitors gain an audience with Corellon and Sehanine themselves here.  
The Bough of Magic's Gain
An area dedicated to the magical arts; according to rumor, mediating here for a whole year bring a leap in the understanding of magic.  
This part of the palace is designated for the healing of the soul, meant for elves who experience the taint of evil or the weariness of life.  
Vigil's Rest
This is the area for the healing of the body, where ailments and illnesses can be remedied.  
Council Hall
This big tower is the meeting ground of the Seldarine, but also open to visitors.


The palace was originally a tower built by giants, which The Seldarine wrested from the giant powers together with the rest of the Arvandor. It had long since been transformed into a truly elven affair.
Alternative Name(s)
Gwyllachaightaeryll, The Many-splendored, Corellons Tower.
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners


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