Corellon Larethien Character in Theras | World Anvil

Corellon Larethien (kor-el-un la-RETH-ee-an)

Corellon Larethian is the leader of The Seldarine and chief deity of Elves as their Creators. Corellon is the god of Elven Magic, High Magic, Arts, Crafts, Magic, Music, Poetry, war and warriors and Architecture.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Worshipers, Clergy & Temples

Corellon draws followers from elves, Half-Elves, and even some bards who revere artistic expression.   Corellites are both warriors and artists, defenders and diplomats. Corellon's faith attracts elves, eladrin (elven descendants touched by the Feywild), and their descendants, along with those who share a love for artistic expression – especially bards.  

Day-to-Day Activities

  • Many Corellites stand as guardians, bolstering elven armies against encroaching forces. They train their kin in combat and magic, ensuring the safety of elven lands.
  • Working alongside elven artisans, Corellites hone their own creative talents and guide others in crafting works of breathtaking beauty, reflecting the artistic essence of the Fair Folk.
  • Corellon's priests often act as peacemakers, resolving disputes within elven communities, between different elven subraces and social classes, and even among other sylvan deities. Their diplomatic skills extend beyond elven society, fostering harmonious relations with other races.
  • While rarely holding official positions, Corellites play a behind-the-scenes role in ensuring smooth governance. Their influence ensures the well-being of elven society.


The Hierarchy of the clergy, have certain paths and ranks.  
Ranks of the Faith
  • Faerna
    Novices, known as the Faerna, ignite the spark of devotion to Corellon. They learn the tenets of the faith and hone their artistic and martial skills.
  • [li[Faernsuora
    Full priests, the Faernsuora, become weavers of light and artistry. They serve as guardians, diplomats, and artisans, embodying Corellon's multifaceted nature.
  • Cormiira
    The High-Ranking Priests, also referred to as the blessings of Corellon, each one of them, hold a unique title, reflecting their individual
  • Lateu'suoress
    Also known as Crescent blessed, they act as the heads of church of Corellon is essentially the supreme.
Ranks of the Faithful
  • Aegisess: These protectors defend elven communities with unwavering courage and are often doing the most basic duty of the priests of Corellon.
  • Adoness: Skilled diplomats, Adoness navigate complex relationships within elven society and foster harmony with other races.
  • Kerynsuoress:: These protectors defend elven communities with unwavering courage and are often doing the most basic duty of the priests of Corellon.
  • Ivae'ess:: Having spent their time either in the Feywild on behalf of Sehanine's clergy or in Arvador, they are sometimes called Hopebearer of Arvandor , Healer of Starlight, Voice of Corellon and they bring messages and excel in divination. They are mostly Oracles and not clerics.
  • Avae'ess: Masters of storytelling and artistic expression, Avae'ess keep elven traditions alive. They compose epic poems, weave intricate tapestries, and create music that resonates with the elven soul. Their art serves to inspire joy, preserve history, and connect elves to their heritage – They are usually worship Labelas Enoreth aswell.
  • Lateu'suoress: Wielding the arcane power of the High Elves, they usually serve as wise advisors and protectors. Their knowledge of High Elven Magic magic allows them to provide guidance on matters of strategy, foresee potential threats, and offer potent defensive magic.


Elves revere Corellon not within grand temples, but in breathtaking natural sanctuaries. Rocky areas of exceptional beauty, offering clear views of the moon and stars, are particularly sacred. Shrines, simple clearings with unobstructed celestial vistas, are the most common form of dedication.   For larger gatherings, elves create magnificent natural temples. Imagine shallow caves, carved not by hand but by nature's sculpting touch, serving as grand entryways. Natural amphitheaters formed by rock formations become open-air sanctuaries. Towering spires of rock rise skyward, their majesty echoing the might of Corellon himself.   These natural wonders are further enhanced by the elven touch.Trees are woven into the architecture, their branches forming living arches and their leaves creating a dappled, reverent light. Plants of all kinds flourish within these sacred spaces, transforming them into breathtaking cathedrals where stone and nature intertwine.  


Prayer times for his clerics are at night, preferably when the moon is highest in the sky.  
Priestly Vestments
Priests of Corellon often wear distinctive clothing, even in everyday situations, though it's not mandatory. These ceremonial vestments consist of flowing robes made from a light, airy fabric like gossamer. The robes are a beautiful shade of azure blue and are adorned with delicate embroidery depicting crescent moons in silver thread. A silver circlet, etched with the symbol of the Protector, rests upon the brow. The holy symbol of their faith is a pendant.Crafted from silver or the even rarer mithral, it depicts a crescent moon and hangs from a slender chain around the neck.   Corellon's priests typically gear up for adventure in a way that reflects their deity. They often favor cloaks of sky blue, along with elven chain mail for armor, mirroring Corellon's own attire. Their weapons of choice are longswords and longbows, fit for ranged and close combat. The choice of armor depends on the situation. In stealthy missions, they prefer lighter options like leather, studded leather, or elven chain mail, along with cloaks and boots of elven make for better camouflage. On the other hand, for direct melee combat, they favor sturdier armor like elven chain mail or even elven plate mail. If such armor isn't available, Be’quessirari approximations, which are likely stronger armors made by dwarves, might be used.

Tenets of Faith

  • Joy and freedom are the wind beneath our wings. We carry the soaring melody ever onward, a testament to the audacity of flight.
  • Foster and celebrate elven artistry in all its forms, from music and poetry to warfare and craftsmanship.
  • Constantly strive for excellence in all the Eldar do. Embody the highest ideals of our race!
  • Stagnation is a slow death. We seek new paths and fresh perspectives, forever defying the dull ache of routine.
  • Those who revel in ruin are but echoes of emptiness. True power lies in the forging of beauty, in the harmonious embrace of the natural and mystical worlds.
  • The banished shadows yearn for return. We stand vigilant, guardians armed with both steel and sorcery, to forever bar their path.
  • The corruption that fractured our Eldar kin shall never find purchase within us. We fortify our hearts, lest the whispers of the Spider Queen once again sow discord.
— Dogma of the Faith of Corellon


Followers of Corellon celebrate numerous holy days. Most are tied to astronomical events, happening every few years or even decades.  
One especially important celebration occurs every month. When the crescent Sehanine graces the night sky, devotees gather in moonlit clearings to honor their deity's gifts in a festival called Lateu'quor, or the Forest Communion of the Crescent Moon.   During this celebration, Corellon's faithful express their devotion through music, singing, dance, and offerings of their most exquisite creations. Some exceptional works of art are sent to a special place, sometimes even to Arvandor, to be admired by the spirits of the Seldarine. Others are displayed in Corellon's temples and shrines among the elven habitatas and kingdoms, allowing the elves to marvel at the fruits of Corellon's greatest gift – creativity.   On rare occasions, these celebrations erupt into magnificent magical ceremonies with unpredictable but powerful results channeled by Corellon himself. The landscape itself is sometimes altered, making the site permanently sacred to the Protector. Sometimes, the combined magic manifests as an object of extraordinary beauty – a sword, a bow, a set of armor, or even a musical instrument. These items are then enchanted by Corellon's high priests, becoming revered relics of the faith.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Corellon Larethian is the ultimate embodiment of elven spirit. He seamlessly blends the roles of warrior and poet, mage and bard, reflecting the diverse talents of his people. This duality extends even to his physical form. Unlike most deities, Corellon isn't restricted to a single gender. He can appear as either male or female, but most often chooses to manifest as an androgynous elf with breathtaking beauty. This form embodies both the grace and power inherent in elvenkind. His slender build is deceptively strong, leaving no doubt about his immense power.   While Corellon can shift his appearance at will, he often favors a specific form. This is a tall elf, standing around seven feet, with exceptional agility and reflexes. He is invariably clad in a flowing sky-blue cloak, a prominent amulet depicting a crescent moon nestled within a circle, and dazzling gauntlets. This familiar image serves as a symbol of his power and benevolence to his followers.

Specialized Equipment

Corellon's weapons are as magnificent as he is. His longsword, Sahandrian, gleams with an otherworldly light, each swing radiating power that cuts through enemies with ease. Amlath'hana, his longbow, grants him unmatched precision. Its arrows find their mark with deadly accuracy, even from distances that seem impossible - a mile or more away. A seemingly magical quiver ensures he has an endless supply of ammunition, allowing him to unleash a relentless barrage upon his foes.

Personality Characteristics


Corellon Larethian, isn't content to remain aloof. He frequently walks the elven lands and borders in disguise, often appearing as a Sylvan folk. This allows him to observe the lives of his creations – priests, artisans, and all who call elven lands home. He stands as their protector against any who would trespass.   Elves share a certain pride, which can sometimes border on arrogance. Corellon possesses this trait as well, but it never truly consumes him. He is a god with an insatiable thirst for knowledge, actively seeking out new perspectives from all, including mortals.   Corellon isn't just a powerful warrior god; he's a protector who cares deeply for his creations. He defends them with the delicate touch of a sculptor and the fierce might of a master swordsman. While other deities embody elven joy and accomplishments, Corellon stands as their unwavering guardian. His life force is intricately linked to the elves and their lands. Even as elves dream and rest, Corellon's vigilance never falters. Only when it's time for them to journey from the mortal realm to the elven paradise, Arvandor, does his watch truly end.   He bestows his favor upon those who Slay orcs and followers of the drow goddess Lolth, embodiments of darkness and corruption that threaten elvenkind and aid others in need, embodying Corellon's compassion and sense of justice.   His displeasures falls upon who Defile the dead in an act of disrepect for the natural cycle revered by Corellon and those who are fleeing from battle, and dishonoring both Corellon's Martial prowess and the elven spirit of courage.


Contacts & Relations

As the ruler of The Seldarine, Corellon enjoys strong relationships with most elven deities. This includes Eilistraee, his daughter by the banished Araushnee . Sehanine Moonbow, now considered Corellon's consort, works closely with the moon goddess Lune.  
by Jenny Dolfen
  Corellon Larethian's greatest foe is Gruumsh, the orc god. Their enmity stems from ancient conflicts chronicled in elven myths like the Separation by Spearand the The Myths of the Orcs and Elves. This animosity extends to the entire orc pantheon, who share a deep hatred for Corellon. The Goblinoid deities also find themselves at odds with the elven leader.  
by Todd Lockwood
  Corellon has forged alliances with other demihuman pantheons. This unity stands against the relentless tide of human expansion, the ever-present threat of monstrous hordes and their dark patrons, and even some malevolent human factions. A key partnership exists with Ervenius, who oversees magic, particularly the powerful High Elven Magic. This connection allows Corellon to safeguard the magical link between elves and the world - Today, the High Magic is the solo responsibility of Corellon.   Corellon's past relationships have left lasting scars. The bitter rift with his former lover, Araushnee (now the drow goddess Lolth), remains raw. Her banishment to the Abyss and transformation into a demon queen continues to fuel their animosity. Similarly, the Protector despairs of his son Vhaeraun, ever abandoning his evil path and in recent years - Since 1,052 AB he still begrudge him and with the Dark Seldarine they all follow Lolth's dark path now view Corellon with enmity.
Creator of the Elves;
Ruler of All Elves;
Coronal of Arvandor;
First of the Seldarine;
Preserver of Life;
The Protector;
The God of Blade and Verse;
The Big Fairy (derogatory
Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Avandra and Astilabor
Home Plane
Elves, Elven Magic, High Magic
Arts, Bards, Crafts, Diplomacy, High Elves, Magic, Music, Poetry, Swordmanship, war and warriors
Chaos (Revelry, Whimsy), Dream, Elf, Good (Agathion, Azata, Friendship, Redemption), Liberation, Magic, Nobility, Prortection, War
Crescent Moon
Elves, Poets, Warriors, Bards, Diplomats, Arcane Archers, Aritsans, Artists, Good Leaders, Rangers, Sorcerers, Wizards,
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Sahandrian (longsword)
Holy Days


  • Fellowship of the Forgotten Bloom This loosely knit organization consists of elven knights dedicated to recovering lost relics from ancient elven realms. Membership is restricted to elven warriors and paladins, who share Corellon's reverence for elven history and heritage.


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