Cynedyr ab Owain Character in Theras | World Anvil

Cynedyr ab Owain

Lord Cynedyr Gyinor

Lord Cynedyr ab Owain is the Baron of Tiroeddtarian, coming from a long line of border barons. He’s considered to be a good baron that would do anything for the betterment of the barony and its people.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Cynedyr is a capable fighter, often compared to renowned Peraserasian fighters such as Rodoald ab Owain or Rhodduw y Morthwyl, and possesses a natural charm; these qualities would have made him a good commander, but he severely lacks understanding in manners of strategy and tactics, as those responsibilities were delegated to his house's Master at Arms, who was slain by soldiers of the Yokun Empire.
Year of Birth
1012 AB 39 Years old
Aligned Organization


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