Rhodduw y Morthwyl Character in Theras | World Anvil

Rhodduw y Morthwyl

Lord Rhodduw (a.k.a. The Hammer)

Lord Rhodduw y Morthwyl, also known as Rhodduw the Hammer or by his official name Rhodduw ab Owain, is the baron of Arfordirllwyd and the Master of Flinthold.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rhodduw is a skilled fighter and commander, overseeing the shores of Peraserasia and safeguarding its inhabitants for nearly four decades.   Inherited his father as master of Flinthold in 1008 when he was 18. Married Osigwen Coblynyllwyd the same year.   In 1021 his family was inducted into the Circle of Nobles under the name of House Morthwyl due to his masteful extermination of the Dread Fleet utilizing the Anvil Towers he insisted on constructing.


Rhodduw y Morthwyl


Towards Osigwen Coblynyllwyd

Osigwen Coblynyllwyd


Towards Rhodduw y Morthwyl

Year of Birth
990 AB 61 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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