Deathlessness Condition in Theras | World Anvil


A Deathless is an individual brought to undeath through the direct intervention of a divine being. There are no more than ten known cases of a true deathless person.   Deathlessness is vaguely connected to lichdom; it is speculated by some theologians that lichdom is technically an induced state of defective deathlessness.


Due to the rarity of true deathless individuals and the general danger that surrounds them, the causes for deathlessness are poorly understood. Given the condition is almost as rare as a mortal becoming an Idol, most scholars are in concensus that there is no general cause; a common analogy states that "a broken cart can be broken in many ways, but is broken regardless".

Cultural Reception

A deathless individual always holds some sort of status prior to becoming deathless, either in life or in undeath. In either case, deathless emit a great sense of authority and are exceptionally charismatic, comparable with vampires. In lands where undead are culturally significant deathless usualy rise to great status, either by diplomacy or by force; in other lands, which is the majority of lands, deathless become a great threat and wage awful wars.
Extremely Rare


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