Demesne of Arharlwn Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Demesne of Arharlwn

The Demesne of Arharlwn was an elven demesne in Epeoris. Centered around the grand city of Arharlwn at the western shores of Epeoris and some of the Korsian Islands, in current day Kingdom of Navara.


When Agustin Andor, Envoy of Rhaan made his way through the mountains, he and his men were attacked by the elves of Arharlwn. When defending themselves they unknowingly killed a minister. As the Conquest of Ader began, the demesne retaliated against this prior offense, forcing Agustin to stall his current offensive; however, this decision proved to be their doom, as Agustin turned his gaze towards the city and his soldiers followed. The other demesnes refused to answer Arharlwn's call for aid and the city was ill prepared for a total war, thus it was quickly overwhelmed and destroyed.

~8,000 BB - 359 BB

Geopolitical, City-state
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Related Species


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