Demesne of Tebinlyn Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Demesne of Tebinlyn

The Demesne of Tebinlyn was an elven demesne in Epeoris. Centered around the grand city of Tebinlyn at the outskirts of the North Forest, in the area currently known as the Green Crest.


Tebinlyn was, for lack of a better term, the industrial center of the elven demesnes; besides providing weapons and armors to other demesnes, its grand city was well fortified and guarded by a disciplined army. This together with its relative proximity to the Andorian armies made it the highest priority objective during The Elder's War. Agustin subtly gathered his forces in the north while conspicously positioning a detachment to the south to where soldiers kept coming from the Kingdom of Ader. The forces of Tebinlyn marched towards the southern detachment, leaving the city open to an attack from the north; though the city was razed, its armies continued fighting and infilcted severe casualties for over a year. This prompted Agustin to initiate a comprehensive deforestation campaign, a ruthless strategy which proved to be highly effective against the demesne and its allies and eventually destroyed both the North and South Forests.

~8,000 BB - 343 BB

Geopolitical, City-state
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Unitary state
Related Species


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