Divine Gate Physical / Metaphysical Law in Theras | World Anvil

Divine Gate

The Divine Gate is a mechanism, created from many powers, Primal, Arcane, Divine and even Psionic in Nature.   The Divine Gate was created in 911 AB by Ervenius, following The Gods War for the purpose of limiting the direct influence of deities on the mortal world. It acts as a safeguard to prevent gods from freely walking the Prime Material Plane, intervening in mortal affairs, or creating avatars at will.   The Divine Gate is rumored to have the remaining power of Ervenius, who was the 2nd most powerful being, except for the Words of Creation.   The Divine Gate powers and activation, sometimes needed an entity that would react to different schemes, and thus, it is rumored that Heimdall is the active guardian that enables it. Sometimes being granted powers by the Divine Gate itself in order to fend off powers at ease just as breathing.   While it is activated, many sages tried to see if its power were reduced, and contrary to all test, it was even more powerful, as if Siphoning the powers, as a befitting punishment for the divine beings, be it benvolent or manevolent  
Rumors and Speculation
While other deities are expelled automatically, only Ervenius seems to remain on the Prime Material Plane - even when he is incapacitated, there seems to be no disturbance to the Divine Gate and its purpose (as Asmodeus learned during the 10th century AB). Some speculate that the Divine Gate determines Ervenius as part of the weave - though many divine beings, said that Ervenius was just ever a deity without a home and he became one with the Prime long ago, unlike so many other deities - Though again, those divine beings are only speculating aswell.


While many theorized that a deity can remain at the prime material plane like Ervenius, by become a deity, it was disproved when Safwah had become a deity and immediately got evacuated from the Prime Material Plane, denying him even the ability to generate and grant prayers for a year, just as he was a full deity trying to break it (Which happened multiple times).


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