Safwah Character in Theras | World Anvil


Safwah is the patron god of Leonin and @[Tabaxi].

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Primarily, Safwah commands the respect of intelligent animals and beastfolk. The noble Tabaxi revere his power and grace, while the majestic Leonin find inspiration in his leadership. Safwah also attracts human and Silvendal followers, particularly those drawn to his role as a patron of monarchs and law-keepers. Druids and rangers who value both lawful principles and good deeds often find themselves drawn to his teachings.   In communities where the Lion God is revered, his "Pride" forms a visible presence. These devotees fill leadership roles as benevolent monarchs, judges, and protectors and they are usually called Lionhearts. They usually serve as militia constables, guardians against evil, or even lead the vanguard of armies as devout clerics and crusaders. Others dedicate themselves to educating the young, passing along vital hunting and martial skills alongside moral instruction and the traditions of Safwah's teachings.  

Priestly Vestments

Priests of Safwah eschew elaborate religious attire. Their signature garb reflects a life spent honoring the Lion God and protecting the natural order. They typically wear cloaks fashioned from the hides of gazelle or antelope, both practical garments and a subtle symbol of their connection to the savanna. Around their necks hang necklaces crafted from the teeth and claws of vanquished foes – a reminder of past battles won in the defense of good.   Each priest proudly displays a single, unblinking feline's eye painted on their forehead. This potent symbol embodies Safwah's vigilance and unwavering focus on justice. Additionally, robes or tunics often bear intricate depictions of Safwah's face, meticulously stitched, beaded, or painstakingly rendered in quillwork. Some priests choose permanent displays of devotion through chest tattoos or body paint.   When venturing out, the Pride of Safwah prioritizes practicality over aesthetics. They choose armor and weapons based on the anticipated threats. While any available protection holds merit, many forgo armor altogether, relying on their own prowess. Others favor hide armor, crafted from beasts they themselves have hunted, drawing strength and respect from their connection to the creatures they defend. With this pragmatic approach, the Pride of Safwah embodies the power and adaptability of their patron deity.  


  • Lion's Mane
    These specialized priests are known as Lionhearts. They serve as spiritual leaders and advisors, their wisdom and unwavering courage echoing the fiery spirit of Safwah.
  • Roaring Lions
    Clerics and crusaders within the Pride are referred to as the Lion's Roar. They are the Lion God's champions, inspiring bravery and righteous action in the face of evil.
  • Whispers of the Wild
    Shamans of the Pride earn the title of Paw and Fang. They commune with nature spirits and animals, channeling the primal power of the wild to uphold order and protect the natural world.
  • Lions of Legend
    Lammasu, powerful lion-headed guardians, are considered revered elders within the Pride. They are addressed as the Mane Guard, their wisdom and formidable strength serving as a pillar of defense. Greater Lammasu, even more powerful guardians, are addressed as the Lion's Vanguard, leading the Pride's forces in times of dire need.
Safwah, the Lion God, isn't worshipped in grand, static temples. His followers, often nomadic wemics who migrate with the seasons, revere him at simple, portable shrines. This mobility makes it difficult for the clergy of rival deities, like Menas, to find and exact vengeance for their god's defeat during The Gods War. These shrines are typically nestled atop weathered granite outcroppings or positioned beneath the shade of solitary trees on the vast savanna, reflecting Safwah's connection to nature's untamed beauty.   However, two notable exceptions exist. Within the Tarren Hills Pride and Astrylonde lie permanent temples dedicated to Safwah. These hidden sanctuaries offer a central location for followers who choose a more settled life.

Tenets of Faith

Safwah's Tenets
  • Hunt only to sustain yourself, and do not waste what the land provides. All living things contribute to the cycle of life, and responsible consumption ensures its continuation.
  • Strength is not solely about dominance. True leaders protect the weak and inspire cooperation, ensuring the survival of the entire pack.
  • Each creature possesses unique strengths. Find your niche and contribute to the community.
  • Cooperation across all living things fosters a powerful network of teamwork, the greatest force in nature.
  • Live with tolerance and kindness towards all living beings. Seek harmony with nature and one another.
  • Strength of character and unwavering honor command the respect of your peers. Stay true to yourself and your pride.
Wemic Simplification
  • Strength Endures
  • Peaceful Coexistence
  • Pride Above All


The Mane's Blessing
During the first Asor of Coppernium, the followers celebrate this lively festival, the vibrancy of life and the promise of future generations. It's a time for joyous revelry, playful games, and vibrant courtship displays. Many seek mates during this period, and tradition holds that a child (or cub) conceived on this night is destined for greatness.   The Festivities include:
  • Dancing Under the Sun - Jubilant dances erupt throughout communities, celebrating life and its potential. Drums echo across the savanna, and participants adorn themselves with vibrant feathers and flowers.
  • Courtship Rituals - Elaborate displays of strength, agility, and resourcefulness draw potential mates. Young wemics showcase their skills in mock hunts and feats of daring, while others demonstrate their artistry through music and storytelling.
  • Blessings of Fertility - The Lionhearts, offer blessings to those seeking to conceive. These blessings are believed to increase the chances of a strong and healthy offspring.
The Lion's Roar
During the third Asor of Fonacius, the clergy celebrate this solemn festival in order to commemorates the birth – or perhaps rebirth, as teachings remain ambiguous – of Safwah. A grand hunt precedes a communal feast, marking the occasion with both reverence and celebration. Following the feast comes the Rite of First Blooding, a ceremony that welcomes newborns into the faith.   The Festivities include:
  • The Great Hunt - Wemics organize a large-scale hunt, offering the bounty to Safwah and reaffirming their dependence on the land's bounty. This hunt embodies the importance of strength, cooperation, and respect for the natural world.
  • Feast of Renewal - A communal feast follows the hunt, a time for families and communities to gather and share stories of past heroes and the teachings of Safwah.
  • Rite of First Blooding - This sacred ceremony welcomes newborns into the Pride of Safwah. A priest, or druid, dips the child's right hand (or paw) into the blood of the prey taken during the Great Hunt, symbolizing their connection to the hunt, the Lion God, and the circle of life.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He was attributed with being an Idol until the The Seventh Azaraki Peace Wars and completed The Trial of Cosmic Convergence and had indeed ascended godhood to a Lesser Power - becoming the patron god of both the Tabaxi and Leonin.

Personality Characteristics


Safwah, embodies a powerful paradox. His mighty roar can shake the earth, and his regal presence inspires awe with a single glance. Yet, beneath this formidable exterior lies a heart of surprising gentleness. Even the most timid creature finds solace in his presence, sensing his inherent kindness.   He strives to guide his pride towards a noble path. He encourages his followers to embrace good deeds, decisive action, and a commitment to order. However, he avoids coercion. His deepest desire is for his followers to choose righteousness, to actively fight for what is right, and to champion order over chaos.   Leading from the front is paramount to Safwah. He never demands actions of others that he wouldn't undertake himself. His followers see him readily face danger, always willing to lay down his own life for the sake of his pride. This selflessness and unwavering commitment to his ideals inspire fierce loyalty and devotion.


Contacts & Relations

Safwah is mentioned several times as the steed of She'eros.
The Lion God;
The Lion-Hearted;
The Hunter-King;
The Lion King;
Divine Classification
Lesser Power
Lawful Good
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Home Plane
The Beastlands
Subservient Deities
Royalty, lions and feline beasts, good beasts, Leonin, Tabaxi
Animal (Fur), Community, Glory, Good (Agathion), Law (Loyalty), Nobility (Hubris, Leadership)
Male lion’s head
Druids, fighters, leaders, paladins, rangers, soldiers, teachers, wemics
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
A lion’s head (Claws)
Holy Days
The Mane's Blessing, The Lion's Roar


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