Ervenius Character in Theras | World Anvil

Ervenius (Er-Ven-ius)

Ervenius (pronounced: Er-ven-ius), also known as Lord of the Weave, was the deity of magic, with governance over the Prime Material plane. His dogma mainly revolved around Outsiders and the Magical Weave. The Over powerful god, was the only prime material deity and once he came into power, he actively fought against other gods, evil and benign and blocked their attempts to enter the prime material plane with their full force, while only entertaining their avatars. In the 10th century, Ervenius, constructed and implemented the weave as an independent network, one that wouldn't require a deity or an all powerful entity to intervene. This Network, cannot be controlled by any other entity, as Ervenius ensured it, thus sacrificing his divinity and reducing himself to the status of Demi-Power, while he was an all powerful Greater Power inside the Prime Material Plane as his domain. The Network itself drain only a small portion of his power, while the majority of his power was the Divine Gate. The all powerful gate that blocks the deity from entering the Prime Material Plane, thus preventing another gods war and allowing only the avatarts to enter as freely as they wish.   When Ervenius appeared to the denizens of Theras, he did so as a Human male or as a magical wand to young wizards. While in his Human form, he appeard as Human with deep blueish eyes and dark raven hair, often donning heavy mithril armor and often a robe of green.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshipers

Ervenius' Clergy was once the dominant power of the realms, especially after the fall of the Menedynn Mages, the fell. He was considered as the savior of their wounded culture and the one who ensured that the Menedynnian will continue, after their floating cities fell to the ground after they destabilized the Weave, which was the moment that, he a moderate paladin and a great sorcerer, came into power as he understood the rigid and had the will to control the weave as it was unstable for a full day. His highest priest/priestess was known as the Weavemaster/Weavemistress. His Church was once the most powerful until the 10th century, when in The Gods War, many pantheons and deities fell in that period, and his church was left powerless when he sacrificed all to create the Divine Gate and the independent network of the Weave.  
Temples of Ervenius can be almost any size and style of structures, some shrines are natural caves or grottoes. All are living works of art - or rather, Art-raised with magic and enwrapped in countless spells. Most are filled with magic items, many of which are of an esoteric rather than practical nature. Most include an open central courtyard in which daily services are held. Lesser rooms house libraries of magical lore or serve as workshops and laboratories for experimentation in the art.  
Day-to-Day Activities
The Church of Ervenius works very hard with many Magic deities to repair dead-magic zone, often successfully - as Ervenius church and his intervance has shown that he can fix everything that is connected to magic.  
Priestly Vestments
The Ceremonial garb of Ervenius clerics consist of gold and red clothings, the clothings of old Menedynn. accented by a cloak of deep gold in colder climates. Some form of gold headgear is required, thougfh this may range from a plain skullcap for the scholarly orders of Bafigron to wide ornate hats and helms in the eastern regions.

Tenets of Faith

Magic is more than a means to control the world. It's a precious essence, a wellspring of potential. Don't squander it on manipulation. Instead, use it for good – for restoration, for growth, for acts of creation. Share this wisdom, guide others to wield magic for positive change.   The power to weave magic is a privilege, not a birthright. Approach it with reverence, not arrogance. Recognize the responsibility it carries. Let your spells be a balm on the world's wounds, reviving areas where magic has waned. Remember, magic is the lifeblood that sustains all things.   Never cease your pursuit of knowledge. Be a tireless learner, ever seeking to expand your magical repertoire. Invent new spells, push the boundaries of the arcane arts. After all, magic is an art form, waiting to be explored and expressed with creativity and wonder.

Physical Description

Special abilities

The Lord of Magic stands as a pinnacle of arcane power. At the Demi-Power level, his abilities are truly awe-inspiring. He can cast any known spell at its most potent level, unleashing one offensive and one defensive spell per minute. However, even this mastery has limitations. Spells like Wish, Time Stop, Alter Reality, and Gate demand such intense focus that no other magic can be cast simultaneously. Beyond spellcasting, the Lord of Magic possesses the ability to shapeshift at will and bestow knowledge of spells upon others through mere touch. His understanding of the fundamental fabric of magic, known as the weave, is unparalleled. This allows him to grant relatively safe access to the raw magic power that fuels mortal spellcasters and magical crafting. Importantly, he stands alone (with the rare exception of Ioun and Corellon Larethian) in possessing knowledge of all spells exceeding 10th level. One of his most spectacular abilities is the power to mend the weave itself. He can create or destroy zones devoid of magic. However, unlike some deities who might have interfered with the natural order in the past, the Lord of Magic exercises restraint. He only intervenes to fix dead magic zones when specifically requested by its inhabitants, respecting the natural flow of magic.  
Ability to resurrect patitioners of other planes
Another spectacular ability and the only divine being except of Moradin, is the ability to ressurect patitioners of other planes after they are destroyed.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

While his history is told even in other pantheons, the Menedynnian pantheon often tells of him as the savior of the Mendeynnian people. According to his church, in the year 6,000 BB he was a young paladin of Io, a primordial, the dragon deity of creation and others often mentions him as a paladin of Io, god of dragon magic - even though its highly unlikely since Io is dead. There he learned to harness magic as the young sorcerer he was and when the hubris of mankind achieved a new height, he and several others have been preparing for the death of magic. Once the high mages of the old Elven empires and Menedynn Empire fought with their flying cities, unleashing terrible magics, one mage, tried to take control of the weave and destroy the elven pantheon along with the draconian pantheon. However, the elven pantheon was not so weak and with the aid of the high elven magic blocked that attempt. This backlashed onto the Draconic Pantheon, which forsoke most control of the weave in order to lessen the effect, thus creating a turmoil and chaos.   Magic went astray, the magical cities of Menedynn fell into the ground like drops of rain and Ervenius, finally arose after a day as the the supreme deity of the prime material plane. Ervenius kept on watch for the next 7 millennias as the god of magic and acted as Deity-Hunters for all deities above Demi Power, fearing their power and their unrestrained methods in Theras with no exception, be them benign or malevolent. In the year 911 AB, in the beginning of The Gods War and the outerplanes invasion of the prime material plane, Ervenius sacrificed most of his power to relinquish the outsiders and creating the network of the Weave and the Divine Gate in the process.   Ervenius kept watch over magical research and regulated the advancement and dissemination of magical knowledge throughout the mortal world while also focusing on healing the areas known as dead magic, which are created by misuse or carelessness of the magic around them.  
10th Century AB
Ervenius, the once-greatest god of the world, holds a unique and revered position in the realm of deities. In the 10th century AB, he made the momentous decision to forfeit a significant portion of his divine powers to create the Divine Gate—a magnificent and mystical construct that transcends realms and connects the mortal plane with the divine realms beyond.   Despite relinquishing a substantial portion of his power, Ervenius did not completely step down from his role as a deity. He remains a prominent figure in the prime material plane, albeit as a Demi-God—a divine being possessing tremendous influence and authority, albeit diminished compared to his former godhood.  
11th century AB
It should be mentioned that Ervenius is the only deity to call the Prime Material Plane his plane, as all other deities are banished without an effort due to the Divine Gate.  

Personality Characteristics


Ervenius is a benevolent god, that abhors anyone who doesn't allow the use of magic, including all fanatics that think that magic should be contained up to the point of oppression. Ervenius sometimes guide young magicians and sorcerer and help them achieve their potential. Ervenius was a manifestation of the Cosmic Balance, maintaining order in the world of magic by correcting great many injustice and inequalities. In the wake of the fall of Menedynn, he banned the use of all magic greater than tenth level atleast uptil 300 BB.   Even when he was Greater Power, Ervenius never wanted worshippers, even though they came naturally to him. He answered prayers out of mercy and not out of duty. In some continents, some referred to him as the Light, a phrase he usually chuckles about in Northshire.


Contacts & Relations

Ervenius was involved in many god wars, as he was the only original deity of the Prime Material Plane. He was personally responsible for the death of many Demon Lords, devil rulers, few celestial beings and many many deities who wished to defy his so called order. Many gods of knowledge and magic served him.
The First-born of the Empire;
Former Keeper of the Weave;
Savior of the Prime Material Plane;
The Sufferer;
The Rescuer;
The Creator of the Light;
Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Aligned Organization
Related Myths
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Prime Material Plane
Subservient Deities
Magic, Prime Material Plane
Healing, Knowledge, Magic, Nobility, Protection, Strength, War
A planet like symbol of 6 continents circling each other
Paladins, Old Sages and Menedynn believers, Studiers of the Weave and good people who wishes to restore the Weave to dead magic areas
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Scepter of the arcane (Mace)
Holy Days

Character Portrait image: Ervenius by


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