Draconic Vaporizer Item in Theras | World Anvil

Draconic Vaporizer

The Draconic Vaporizer, implemented since 1,011 AB, is a technology that employs magically fueled mechanisms to draw water and channel it to release a continuous stream of steam. Additionally, it possesses the ability to transform water into steam through its innovative capabilities.   The main uses are to obscure their sights and to cause many burns on the enemy sailors. However, a more dangerously use, espacially in places filled with rocks and shallow waters, is to 'pump' water from underneath, sideways or front to have the water 'taken' from the location, often diverting the vehicle, causing to collide with rocks, other vehicles or even pushing it away.   Its capabilities extend beyond mere steam production. This ingenious invention can also harness the transformative power of magic to instantly turn water into scalding steam, creating explosive force or offering pressurized bursts for various applications.       It is used by many ships if needed.
Creation Date
1,012 AB
Subtype / Model
Owning Organization


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