Pearlwing Armada Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Pearlwing Armada

The Pearlwing Armada, also abbreviated as PA, is the naval force of the Kingdom of Arasil. It is an experienced and well trained.   Contrary to many Arasilians, they do most prominently almost exclusively worship Avandra and Bailshar.


The PA is structured as follows:
  • The Battle Fleet, derives its tradition from the Elven Fleets of Rakion and therefore is structured as follows:
    1. Task Force - A task force is consisting 2 Squadrons, 1 Schlomeer as its flagship with atleast 3 Onwinds, 2 Arasilian Frigates as escort. Sometimes its accompanied by 1 Istarnurion Thundorithil.
    2. Squadron - A Squadron is consisting 3 Divisions along with 2 Arasilian Frigates, 1 Arasilian Galleon.
    3. Division - A Division is consisting 4 Flotillas, along with 2 Arasilian Frigates, 1 Arasilian Galleon, 2 Arasilian Caravels and 1 Onwind.
    4. Flotilla - Generally consists 4 Onwinds, however if the journey is on the oceans, then it is replaced with 2 Arasilian Frigates and 2 Arasilian Galleons.
  • In addition, the Armada employs the use of many auxilary units, same as the Grand Armies of the Araso, however in addition, they have the prestigious Nandorel's Mariners.
  • Designation
    The first digit of a Task Force designation is that of its parent fleet while the second is sequential. A task force may be made up of groups, each made up of units. Squadron within a force are numbered by an additional digit separated from the TF number by a capital letters. Division within a group are indicated by a uncapitalized letters, while Flotilla is indicated by letter of the Flotilla Admiral.
  • The Merchant Fleet, derives its tradition from old Nahrso Empire, replacing its vessels with appropriate vessels, such as the battle fleet, only it does utilize ships, which range in size from small coasters and cogs to multimasted caravels and carracks.   Large convoys of ships, are usually accompanied by a Flotilla, and on the rare occasions, a Division.   It should be noted that Arasilians do allow private companies from the Rich Shore of Abaisgar and other citizens of the kingdom to engage in seafaring and merchandise, however this is subject to The Guilds of Arasil, who are guaranteeing the security, quality of goods and services of the private enterprises.


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