Eadro Character in Theras | World Anvil

Eadro (ee-AD-ro)

Eadro is revered as the progenitor of the locathah and merfolk, receiving exclusive worship from these two races, each with their unique rituals. He is a prominent member of the Asathalfinare pantheon, a collective of benevolent deities revered by aquatic races.   Eadro embodies a distant demeanor, showing minimal concern for matters beyond the welfare of his creations. As a conservative deity, he favors stability and is hesitant to endorse rapid change, yet he acknowledges the need for evolution when circumstances demand it. Deliberate and cautious, Eadro values dialogue and peaceful resolutions over resorting to violence.   The creations of Eadro, both the merfolk and the locathah, hold a shared belief that they represent the culmination of an ancient experiment, each race considering themselves to be the pinnacle that followed the other. Their cultural narratives, rich with myths and songs, recount this process, offering striking similarities despite minor discrepancies in the order of creation attributed to merfolk and locathah. Remarkably, despite these differences, inter-racial conflicts over doctrinal interpretations of these myths are rare; instead, they embrace one another as kindred in faith, albeit perhaps misguidedly so. While the myths often unfold in elaborate prose, the songs that echo these mythic elements tend to convey their messages through metaphor and allegory.   Central to their belief systems is the concept of reincarnation, wherein after departing to dwell with Eadro in the spirit ocean, individuals anticipate the crafting of a new mortal vessel by the deity. According to their songs, this process involves anointing the vessel's gills with the metaphorical "Water of Life", symbolizing Eadro's primal essence, before submerging them into the world's ocean, known as the Current of Existence. Most narratives and lyrical compositions revolving around Eadro impart lessons and traditions believed to be bestowed upon their populace by the deity.   Interestingly, Eadro's own origins remain shrouded in mystery within Eadran mythology, with no definitive accounts addressing his beginnings. While some speculate that he has always existed, devoid of a credited role in the universe's creation, certain scholars suggest that he might have once been an archomental or Elemental Lord akin to Istishia. However, a profound fascination with the mortal realm purportedly led him to transcend his purely elemental nature, as conjectured by divinely inclined sages.   Little is disclosed about Eadro's recent endeavors; after The Gods War, he entrusted the governance of his domain to three formidable proxies, revealing only that he needed to attend to an urgent matter. As time passed and their authority waned, these proxies beseeched Persana for assistance, fearing the worst. Concerned for his esteemed comrade, the Triton Lord has taken up residence and initiated a search for the absent Eadro. What complicates matters is that while the proxies of the Deliverer have experienced a decline in their abilities, his clergy appears unaffected, with mortal devotees still purportedly receiving divine messages. The significance of this discrepancy remains uncertain, prompting speculation among scholars that Eadro might be ensnared by another deity or embroiled in a conflict necessitating the redirection of his divine energy. The nature of his mission remains shrouded in mystery, although some conjecture it pertains to knowledge acquired during The Gods War. Only time will elucidate whether he triumphs and returns to his domain or vanishes entirely.   As a conservative deity, Eadro very rarely dispatches an avatar to the Prime Material Plane. He is only likely to do so if another deity is directly disturbing the status quo or he senses there are no other options available to him. In general, he favors having his priests handle situations that arise wherever possible.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

The merfolk express fervent devotion to Eadro, openly sharing their prayers and songs dedicated to him with non-merfolk. Their rituals, including songs and swimming dances, evolve with each passing season and numerous festivals. While they embrace the diversity in the beliefs of the locathah, these differing perspectives remain perplexing to the merfolk.  
The locathah revere Eadro as the Deliverer, reserving priesthood roles exclusively for males and guarding their religious customs in utmost secrecy. They view prayer as a means of seeking redemption from perceived past transgressions, citing historical enslavement and physical differences from the merfolk as evidence. Their aspiration is to attain redemption and transition into merfolk through their prayers.   After five centuries of adhering to this tradition, some locathah have begun venerating other sea deities, advocating for acceptance of the unique bodies and abilities bestowed upon them by Eadro.

Tenets of Faith

The locathah and merfolk hold the belief that their deity bathes their gills in the Water of Life before submerging them into the Current of Existence. Eadro maintains a distant stance from other races, showing concern solely for the merfolk and locathah, his own creations. He observes them vigilantly, acknowledging the potential for internal discord between them, while also remaining wary of external threats posed by malevolent races.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Eadro commonly manifests as a majestic figure resembling either a tall locathah or a merman, exuding an impeccable presence. His scales possess a mesmerizing blue-green hue, imbued with an otherworldly essence, while his hair, eyes, and fins harmonize with the prevailing shades of his surroundings. Swiftly transitioning into a watery, amorphous entity with eight pseudopods, he assumes this form particularly during close-quarters combat engagements.  
Similar to his reluctance with avatars, Eadro hesitates to exert his power directly on the Prime Material Plane. When he does, it often materializes as a luminous green phosphorescence, akin to faerie fire, enveloping either a creature or object. When directed at an object, this glow serves to guide a follower to safety or towards a significant item, sometimes forming a sequence of lights to lead them along a path. Occasionally, the glow may encircle a small fish, which acts as a beacon. When surrounding a follower, the glow imparts blessings akin to bless, aid, and prayer spells, though it also carries the adverse effects of faerie fire. Witnessing this manifestation emboldens other followers of Eadro, granting them the benefits of a prayer spell.   Eadro predominantly communicates with his followers through omens and messages, placing trust in their capabilities while also advocating for the necessity of challenges. Typically, these omens manifest through peculiar behavior exhibited by moray eels and other aquatic creatures. These creatures display unusual movements in the presence of the recipient before presenting a small, uniquely colored pebble, symbolizing a message, often conveying a warning. For more intricate messages of significant importance, Eadro sends forth a small blue fish adorned with shimmering scales, speaking with his voice.   The Lord of the Sunlit Shallows is primarily attended to by commonplace aquatic beings such as eels, fish, snails, and various water elementals. Additionally, he is served by a diverse array of creatures including aballin, dragon turtles, flawder, hippocampi, marid, mussels, sea lions, and shelled cephalopods. Eadro signifies his favor through the discovery of blue and green gemstones, intact shipwrecks bereft of bodies, and marine life adorned in hues of blues and greens. Conversely, his displeasure is expressed through a disconcerting silence in the ocean's usual sounds, ailing marine fauna, bleached coral, and shipwrecks devoid of treasure yet filled with corpses.

Personality Characteristics


Being a deity of conservative nature, seldom sends forth an avatar to the Prime Material Plane. Such intervention is typically reserved for instances where another deity disrupts the established order or when Eadro deems no alternative recourse feasible. Preferably, he entrusts the resolution of matters to his priests whenever feasible.


Contacts & Relations

Although a member of the Asathalfinare, Eadro seldom involves himself in disputes or deliberations that do not directly pertain to the well-being of his people, claiming neutrality when pressed for opinions. Nonetheless, he maintains distant affability with all members and proves a steadfast ally in the face of external threats. Recognizing the imminent danger posed by Sahuagin or ixitxachitl hostilities toward other benevolent or neutral races, Eadro remains vigilant, understanding that such conflicts could swiftly imperil his own kin. Preferring diplomacy over confrontation, he endeavors to resolve conflicts through mutually advantageous negotiations, acknowledging the futility of such endeavors when dealing with the malevolent denizens of the sea.   Within the Asathalfinare, Eadro shares a particularly close bond with Persana, despite occasional territorial disputes between tritons and merfolk. Legend holds that Persana personally oversaw the construction of Eadro's palace, Shelluria, as well as the Mosque of Eadro within the marids' Citadel of Ten Thousand Pearls.
The Deliverer;
Lord of the Sunlit Shallows;
The Water of Life;
The Bather of Gills;
Divine Classification
Lesser Power
Aligned Organization
Subservient Deities
Locathahs, merfolk
Animal (None), Protection, Travel (Exploration), Water
Spiral design
Locathahs, merfolk
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Holy Days


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