Asathalfinare Organization in Theras | World Anvil


The asathalfinare is a multi-species pantheon worshiped by good-aligned aquatic races. It is led by the elven god Deep Sashelas, who makes considerable efforts to maintain its unity.   Its name was a contraction of a much longer Elven phrase meaning "those who have their being in the sea haunted by the true dream". They worked to minimize conflict between their respective peoples.  
Members of the asathalfinare share in common that the vast majority of their worshipers are water-breathing species living beneath water and that the protection of those waters was paramount in all of their thoughts.   They included:
  • Deep Sashelas, creator of the Sea Elves and leader of the asathalfinare pantheon.
  • Eadro, creator of the locathah and merfolk.
  • Persana, god of tritons.
  • Surminare, goddess of the selkies.
  • Syranita, patron deity of the aarakocra. She was a member despite being an air goddess. This was partly because of her friendship with Aerdrie Faenya, with whom she supposedly merged, and partly because she sought amity for her relatively weak race.
  • Trishina, mother of the shalarin, goddess of the dolphins and consort of Deep Sashelas.
Dead Members
Water Lion, an enigmatic god half-lion, half-fish.    
Stronmaus is well-disposed toward the gods of the asathalfinare, and might send avatars to help them in times of need.   They share a common enmity for Sekolah, the Sahuagin god and for Merabyss.

The Good Aquatic Pantheon

Basic Information

those who have their being in the sea haunted by the true dream
Base of Operations
Deep Sashelas


Various Aquatic Races
Religious, Pantheon

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