Eorl Character in Theras | World Anvil


Eorl is the divine prince of the old kingdom of Lond-Ebon, formerly known as Loandir. Loandir was the land of good and a kingdom of worshipers of The Light.   Eorl was known as the first Death-knight of Bane. Even though he wasn't the first, he begun the emergence of the death-knights of Bane.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In the 9th century BB, Eorl a prince of the royal line of Loandir, was sent to become a paladin in Lond-Argent, the Capital city of Loandir. During his early years, he was sent to investigate a plauge, that they suspected was unnatural and the work of Ella'li, however, this scheme was much more sinister as it involved the powers of Undeath and this plague turned his people to undeads.   In his anger and maybe love of his homeland, he destroyed the city of Lond-Glare, the holy place of worship of the Light. However, his most loyal paladins deserted and he had declared them outlaws and had taken the loyalist back and taken the hunt to destroy the Idol power of Undeath there. The Paladins however of Lond-Argent went back to their king and had him issue a statement for the expedition of Prince Eorl to return home, posthastely and the Grief-Striken Prince, had made all arrangement only for the eyes, while he asked for the intervention of the Dark One, Bane, who promised him much power. The Young prince returned home triumphant and killed his father, Kilik in cold blood over the throne. This act sparked a rebellion that was quenched very early as Eorl had done his best preperations and already planted his spies inside the would-be traitors.   In the following years, he had done alot to destroy many of the Former allies of Loardir, however, when a cataclysm almost struck down the continent of Moira, he had his people make plans to move to Epeoris. Via sacrificing the lives of many elves and people there, he had the wholew continent moving via high-elven magic to Edge of The Yokunese Empire, destroying the whole cities there and transforming them to his liking, gaining massive undead hosts that had begun to expand a little and fight the Yokunese Empire and build the Naval forces of "Lond Ebon" - The new lands of Undeath of Epeoris.
The Crown Prince of Lond-Ebon;
The Defender of Lond-Ebon;
Blessed Lord;
The First Deathknight of Bane;
The Prince Tyrant;
Divine Classification
Lawful Evil
Date of Birth
1 Arn-Wint
Year of Birth
801 AB 250 Years old
Aligned Organization
Death, Kingdom, Ruling
Favored Weapon
Holy Days


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