Lond Ebon Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Lond Ebon

Lond Ebon, formally The Principality of Lond Ebon, is a principilty in Eastern Epeoris, located at the mouth of Belligerent's Bay. Lond Ebon is relatively new in Epeoris as it emerged in the year 1,041 Inside Epeoris, with the hosts and the shivering forces of undeath. Lond Ebon was quick to make arrangement and have their influence inside the neighboring states, especially the Corgomuran Free Cities, strengthening its position and having a massive trade lanes, with lower taxes with the Yokun Empire.   While being a relatively small state, the position of the state is crucial and very defensible, either by the natural terrain and the defense mechanism prepared there in the first 10 years since their emergence.


The Principilty is ruled by the Kings of Kings, Eorl and the Arch-Lich as his advisor.


One of the Most horrific facts, are that citizens and all creatures alike, are forced to sign (and some consider their entry as an agreement) that their bodies will be used after death for the benefit of the kingdom.


The Land of Lond-Ebon was created by magic, transmitting the whole area and transferring the whole state of Lond-Ebon to Epeoris. While Formerly was known as Loardir, this was once a kingdom ruled by the best of Ervenius until ultimately in the year of 833 BB, turned into a dark kingdom by the Crown Prince, Eorl.   The prinicipality emerged during The Yokun Eastern Campaign, and by the time the Emerald Yotsereg and the Ivory Yotsereg reached Lond Ebon it was deemed to costly to conquer. As such, a trade agreement was struck between the two polities; the empire however never officially renounced its ambition to control the area, and the principality's frontiers are still somewhat prone to sporadic military engagements.   Due to both the Corgomuran Free Navy and the Pearl Yotsereg accidentally misidentifying Londian ships as pirate ships and sinking every single one, Lond Ebon is largely dependent on the Corgomuran merchant fleets for naval trade.
Founding Date
711 BB (originally);
1041 AB (in Epeoris).
Geopolitical, Principality
Predecessor Organizations
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

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