Equinorian Steeds Species in Theras | World Anvil

Equinorian Steeds

Equinorian Steeds, sometimes known as Equinorian Runners is the name for the native Horses of Equisia.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Hightened Intelligence
The Equuinorian Runner have heightened intelligence intuition and posses a profound understanding of their surroundings and can often anticipate the needs and inteions of their riders.  
Their most remarkable trait is their regenerative abilities, which extends far beyond them to their riders and those they consider family. It is told that their presence along can bring a sense of tranquility and restoration to those in their proximity. Their touch has a gentle, rejuvenating effect, promoting physical and emotional well-being.  
The Runners have a strong affinity for their riders and form deep, unbreakable bonds with them - some say its telapathical, some say its a bond they develop.    
Highetened Agility
In addition to these extradionary abilites, they also possess enhanced speed and agility for which they can outrun and outmaneuver most other steeds, including hard terrains such as hills - making them important for trade and military campaigns there.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

They are often sought after by healers, who recognize the potent healing properties these horses possess.

Civilization and Culture


Since the Fall of Celtira, the population of Equinorian Runners and pegasi in Arasil has significantly diminished. These extraordinary creatures, once abundant in the kingdom, have become scarce and highly sought after. However, rumors persist that the arasilians have found a way to import these magnificent beings from unknown sources, though the details of their acquisition remain a mystery.   Whispers and speculations circulate among the inhabitants of Arasil about clandestine deals, hidden portals, or secret alliances that enable the kingdom to replenish its dwindling Equinorian Runners and pegasus population. Some believe that powerful wizards or otherworldly entities aid Arasil in securing these rare creatures, while others attribute it to ancient pacts or forbidden magic.   The enigmatic nature of the origins of these imported horses only adds to their allure and mystique. Many in Arasil regard them as symbols of a lost era, a tangible reminder of Celtira's legacy and the bond between Equisia and Arasil.
60 years


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