Equisia Organization in Theras | World Anvil


Equisia is the once enchanted realm of many horsemen, centaurs and other creatures.   Equisia today is no longer a kingdom unified but acts as tribal communities, however they areequal or better in some respect to Kingdom of Arasil and The Bafigron Empire, academies and training of horseman.


At the top of the social structure are the revered Horse Lords and Horse Ladies, individuals who have achieved exceptional horsemanship and have demonstrated leadership qualities - It should be noted that the titles apply to centaurs aswell. They are considered the pinnacle of equestrian prowess and are respected as wise and experienced leaders. The Horse Lords and Horse Ladies often hold positions of authority and play crucial roles in governing the country and making decisions that affect the equine community.   Beneath the Horse Lords and Horse Ladies are the skilled horse trainers and breeders. In the Centaurs community, those are the teachers and spiritual leaders. These individuals possess extensive knowledge of horses, their behavior, and training techniques. They are responsible for raising and training the finest steeds in Equisia, ensuring that the equine population remains strong, healthy, and well-trained. Horse trainers and breeders hold esteemed positions in society and are highly regarded for their expertise and contributions to the equestrian world.


Equisia boasts a unique social structure that revolves around the equestrian lifestyle and the harmonious coexistence of these humanoid equine beings. In Equisia, the social hierarchy is primarily determined by one's affinity and skill with horses, as well as their contributions to the equestrian culture and society.   It should be noted, that Equisia values the contributions of various other individuals, such as blacksmiths who craft specialized horse equipment, veterinarians who care for the equine population, and artists who depict the beauty and spirit of horses in their works. Each member of Equisian society is expected to fulfill their role and contribute to the equestrian way of life.


In times of war or battle, most tribes have some kind of warriors, called the Hoofguard.   These centaurs warriors hold a significant place in Equisian society. They form the backbone of the country's defense and serve as protectors of their land and people. The Hoofguard undergo rigorous training in archery, mounted combat, and strategic warfare. They are admired for their courage, skill in battle, and unwavering loyalty to Equisia. Within the Hoofguard, there are hierarchies based on experience and achievements, with distinguished warriors earning titles and positions of leadership.
Founding Date
5,233 BB
Economic System
Barter system
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Species


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