Farraj Character in Theras | World Anvil

Farraj (fa-RAJ)

Farraj is the patron deity of Bayjan. He is also known as The Father of Terror Beasts, Creator of Bayjan, and The Deceiver. He stays distant from both mortals and other deities, and he seems to be above the daily doings of the world and his followers. This might have been partly due to his origin as a primordial, and in fact it is not fully known if he is a deity in the traditional sense. Only since the Gods War had he begun to show interest in his followers again.   Farraj's main divine realms bore the name of the Labyrinth of Life, a massive labyrinthine jungle in the Outlands of the Outer Planes inside House of Nature. He also created a realm for his favorite children – the Terror Beasts. The realm of the The Forbidden Plateau is located in the The Beastlands. The deity can often be found in the Plateau, taking on a shape of a gigantic Baslizard.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

The Church of Farraj was split among three wholly independent sects, all based in the jungles of Bayjan among the various clans of the humans.   Being a virtually monotheistic society, Bayjanse the Tabaxi, worshipped Farraj since the early days of the deity's existence.  
Both clerics and druids prayed for their spells at noon, when Farraj's majesty hung over all of Bayjan. There are scores of ceremonies and holy days, most particularly to dead ancestors. Many of these rituals are necessary before performing certain activities, such as hunting special animals or burials. The small, moveable stone altars which are used for these ceremonies are treated just like any other rock in the jungle when they were not otherwise in use.   Bayjanese followers of Farraj use gravestones and grave markers to bury their dead. When such a thing was unavailable, following a death deep in the jungles, for example, a big flat surface, such as a large flat leaf, is used for a similar purpose. As with the tombstones, the people closest to the dead would write the perished soul's name upon the surface, and the others each would add a single word of praise. These ritual inscriptions are intended to serve as the deceased's introduction to Farraj when the god arrived to claim the person's soul.

Tenets of Faith

Farraj created the jungle as a test for his people, a maze for them to pass through on their way to a heavenly afterlife. Learn the maze that represents your life, for you must know it when you meet Farraj in the afterlife. Understand your place in the jungle, represented by your maze. Respect the dinosaur, for they are the Children of Farraj, agents of his will and gifts of his bounty.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

When Farraj showed his form to mortals, he appeared in the shape of a powerful Tabaxi male with dark brown skin, short cropped black hair, trimmed goatee, and distant look in his dusky eyes. The age of the avatar was is to pinpoint as he appears ageless. The color of his skin symbolizes bark brown fertile earth of his jungles.  


The shape Farraj takes most often is a massive tyrannosaurus rex, more than twice the size of the biggest mortal dinosaur creature. Before the 11th century AB, Farraj appears in chult much more often in forms other than his massive dinosaur avatar. When Farraj communicated with his followers via messages, they are always cryptic and open to interpretation. Some messages comes from an ageless calm and emotionless dark-skinned Tabaxi face, while that lack of emotion can be considered as am ill omen or a blessing. The fact that Farraj does not talk when appearing as a manifestation made it even harder to interpret.   After the Gods War, Farraj Takes on manifesting as a thunderous roar rolling across the Bayjan jungles. The roar sounded as if every dinosaur in Bayjan vociferated at the same time. Apart from the dinosaur form and a roar, Bayjan manifests himself through the copious number of jungle spirits found throughout the peninsula. And the Father of Dinosaurs acts through his children.

Special abilities

The Father of the Dinosaurs can cast spell from any sphere or school of magic but greatly favored domains of animal, combat, divination, elemental, plant, protection, sun, thought, and time. and the schools of abjuration, Evocation, as well as divination.   In his dinosaur form, Farraj is the biggest and strongest creature found on the entire Bayjan Peninsula. His sheer brutal dinosaur strength is enhanced by the deity's keen tactical mind. The dinosaur form's claws are strong enough to shred a humanoid to bloody pulp in moments, however, the t-rex's bite is even more dangerous. Farraj's dinosaur shape can swallow a large creature or anyone smaller, which was an instant and painful death to the engulfed. His tail is a deadly blunt force that could shatter walls and when the tail struck a creature, they are likely to become stunned, unable to function for between four and fourteen minutes. All creatures who gaze into Farraj's eyes become entangled by the jungle's vegetation unless they are lucky enough to avoid restraint. Additionally, all dinosaurs within a mile from the god's avatar are fully under his control, willingly obeying Farraj's telepathic commands.   He is unaffected by spells from the animal, charm, and plant sphered as well as charm and conjuration schools of magic.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Farraj molded and shaped the land of Bayjan in the times primordial. However this act of creation is the reason for the god's distance from his land and his worshipers. To rectify that, Farraj splintered his being into aspects – various spirits of the nature and land. The biggest part of his being became the essence of Bayjan's jungle, this fracturing of his divine power left him little time to directly affect and interact with his mortal worshipers.   During the Great Rift, the gods and the primordials fought for dominance. Eventually, the Elder Gods won the fight when the primordials were betrayed by one of their own: Farraj the Deceiver.

Personality Characteristics


Farraj main personality trait is his endless patience and lack of emotions. He projects detachment and promoted wisdom. Unlike many of his peers, Farraj shows little involvement and interest with the daily activities and lives of his followers. He shows same detachment towards dealings of other gods.


Contacts & Relations

Farraj is considered to be the leader of the Bayjan Peninsula in terms of divine powers. Other being worshiped by the Bayjanese: numerous spirits of nature, minor gods, and the essence of the Bayjan jungle – all were various aspects of Farraj. Due to this he only had power in and around the jungles of Bayjan. Those who inhabite Bayjan and worships Farrajconsidered dinosaurs to be "Farraj's Children." The dinosaurs however are not intelligent enough to worship and venerate their creator.   Because of Farraj's distance to the other deities he had only few allies: Thard Harr, the Lord of the Jungle Deeps and the protector of wild dwarves, and Corellon Larethian of the elven pantheon.
Home Plane
The Beastlands
Subservient Deities
Bayjan, Bayjanese, Creation, Dinosaurs, Jungles
Animals, Plant, Protection, Scalykind (Saurian), Serpent
Adepts, Bayjanese, druids, inhabitants of jungles, rangers
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Tyrannosaur head (heavy pick)
Holy Days
Divine Classification
Lesser Power
Aligned Organization


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