House of Nature Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil

House of Nature

While considered a neutral plane by sages, the House of Nature is a place of natural harmony and benevolence, encompassing many of the ideals of the plane of Elysium.   A portal to the plane of Arvandor is maintained by cooperation of the deities residing here.  


The House of Nature is the native home of the race of celestials known as guardinals, animalistic beings of inherent goodness. Among them are also guardinal paragons, many in number, who serve as divine leaders among the plethora of animals populating the plane. These paragons include but are not limited to them.   Bariaurs and unicorns also live here, as do intelligent celestial animals who were once native to the Material Plane. These petitioners of the House of Nature's deities begin their afterlives here as humanoids, but over time they are slowly changed into animal forms.   The petitioners live in small communities, never building or changing their environment, but living in complete communion with the natural realm around them. If injured, they heal quickly, and they are immune to electricity and poison and resistant to fire and cold.  

Divine Realms

Many deities and guardinal paragons had realms in the House of Nature. In addition to those described below, animal lords, such as the cat lord, called the House of Nature Home. So do Syranita, goddess of the aarakocra, Skerrit, god of centaurs, and other lesser-known deities of nature-oriented races. Lurue dwells in the House of Nature, but they do not maintain realms here.   The borders of the realms described below are fluid with hard-to-distinguish boundaries.  
  • The Deep Forest
    Silvanus' realm is located in the deepest forest of the House of Nature, where the greatest trees grow so dense as to block out all light. Some speculate that Silvanus still resides here even after his power significantly waned.
  • The Great Mother's Garden
    While this is the realm of Thea, commonly perceived as a goddess of agriculture, the garden is not, in fact, cultivated. Instead, all manner of foods grow here naturally and in abundance.
  • The Grove of the Unicorns
    This seemingly mundane tree grove is frequently visited, and sometimes inhabited, by unicorns and celestial chargers. This is the main divine realm of Ehlonna.
  • The High Glade
    The High Glade, home to Cedelia, which found next to Ehlonna's domain.
  • The Labyrinth of Life
    In the warmest region of the House of Nature is found this dense, vibrant, mazelike jungle; this is Farraj's domain. Bursting up from the center of the jungle is a plateau, upon which all variety of Terror Beasts roaming in isolation from other beasts.
  • Morninglory
    The realm of Helios is a place of natural beauty infused with the colors of dawn and includes a mountain lake and a meadow. Here stands a cathedral of tall timber that serves as Helios' home. Anyone resting in Morninglory feels fully refreshed in half the time as usual.
  • The Pridelands
    This region of the House of Nature is a vast savanna. Here, Safwah rules his wemic petitioners. The savannah is spotted with groves, one of which protects a portal to the Woodrealm Forest on the Material Plane.
  • The True Grove
    Here, Soryna abides in a ring of tall oak trees with a bubbling spring in its center.

Fauna & Flora

In addition to all variety of animals one might expect to find on a plane of nature, fiercer varieties, such as the Fhorge, are plentiful. Strange creatures mae entirely of plant and wood also inhabit the wilds of this plane.

Dimensional plane
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Coexist Locations
Grove of the Unicorns

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