Festival of the Returning Traders Tradition / Ritual in Theras | World Anvil

Festival of the Returning Traders

At the Very last day of Summer, occurs the festival of the returning traders, as the majority of the Donaquisian trade ships are anchoring at their home port after a long trade journey.   The markets are satiated with foriegn traders, so stall owners are using that in order to expand their business oppertunities, with public displays of their crafts, free samples of their wares, and lavish performances of their skills.


Around 800 AB at the Donaquisian port, sailors started throwing their old ropes into a huge bonfire near the pier, symbolic for getting rid of jinxes and hexes they got from wild sea spiritis on their way.   Pier-Adjacent stall owners had used the huge heat source to barbecue fresh fish they caught, then selling the cooked fish to hungry sailors and merchants.   40 odd years later, the bonfire grown so big it almost burnt a ship to a crisp, so stall-owners had partnered with sailors to hand out the ropes to all vendors across the market still fabricating a central bonfire to resemble the unbreakable connection betweeen the merchants and the sailors.


Usually, Bailsharian priests lead the festival and promote it thoroughly all denizens of Donaquis and its neighbor. However, like the sea, the lead priest of Bailshar, must be chosen through skill - Every year, a month prior to the festival, a dice is rolled and a specific type of boat or ship is choosen as the type for the competition, in which the belivers of Bailshar compete - The fastest one to complete the course or objective, is chosen to be the presentor and leader of the Festival.

Components and tools

Frazzled ropes from ships are brought to huge in-ground kilns, that daily are being used to bake bread, but on the festival are used to smoke and cook an abundant amounts of poultry and seafood, as it is believed that the smoke of the sea, from the burning ropes, carries fortune and good luck for the people consuming it.   One of the main displays of craftsmanship are made by the glass shapers of Donaquis, making artisinal light prisms for vessel owners and crews in order to commemorate important events and achievements.
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