Bailshar Character in Theras | World Anvil

Bailshar (Bail-SHAR)

May Bailshar hasten his journey, grant wind to his sails, and tranquilize his waters.
— A common blessing of the Bailsharis
  The God Bailshar is the sailor's god who was prominent during the fall of the Menedynn Empire. This god became a god of naval warfare after The Gods War; Some years after the Gods War of the seas after he lost what remained of his powers to Merabyss, after he went on a head to war with her during the first year of the gods war and when she was aided by several of her allies, he had changed his focus to naval warfare and help sailors in keeping them safe and answer their prayers when they are in the eye of the storm.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

The organization of the Bailshar church is rather informal, with its clergy gathering for worship only when aboard the same vessel or docked in the same port. Most of these clergy members serve as officers aboard various ships. While only a few clerics of Bailshar join pirate crews, many find fulfillment in serving their nations as privateers. While ashore, Bailshar's clerics offer assistance and modest financial aid to sailors facing hardship and to families affected by the loss of a loved one at sea. Some clerics oversee ship construction yards or manage fleets of merchant vessels. Additionally, Bailshar's clergy often support or even spearhead maritime exploration and long-distance trade ventures, drawn to the challenges and opportunities they present.   They often train people to swim, become sailors in their spare time.   The Main difference between the church of Balishar and Merabyss, is often mistaken to be their attitudes and so many believe Merabyss to be the truly deserving one, as she controls the sea and as such, those who truly wants safe passage, should venerate Merabyss. However, the Church of Bailshar claims that bailshar does indeed counter Merabyss' deeds, and none can counteract that a cleric of Bailshar on a vessal is a sure way to get to port safely. However, all Bailshar refer to Merabyss as the one who shouldn’t be mentioned, as her name could draw her attention and a battle between bailshar and Merabyss would be imminent and all would suffer.   The Pearlwing Armada holds Bailshar strong to heart and condemn the worship of Merabyss.    
Clerics devoted to Bailshar typically pray for their spells around dawn, as the first stirrings of breeze grace the air. These priests diligently work to bolster the reputation and influence of Bailshar's church, demonstrating that he can be relied upon to shield the vulnerable from the wrathful deities. Reflecting their god's nature, they strive to maintain an aura of tranquility, exhibiting patience and a steadfast demeanor, avoiding sudden shifts in plans or opinions. Their unwavering reliability aims to showcase the solidity and trustworthiness of their faith, although it's earned through coping with Bailshar's unpredictable tendencies.  

Day-to-Day Activities

The clergy of Bailshar frequently conduct more than a dozen distinct rituals as part of their responsibilities. Many of these rituals pertain to ships and journeys, such as those performed during a ship's launching, prior to setting sail, upon reaching a new port, and upon returning to the home port, among others. Temples dedicated to Bailshar primarily sustain themselves through generous contributions from affluent merchants seeking Bailshar's protection during perilous sea voyages.  

Priestly Vestments

In battle, priests of Bailshar wield a variety of weapons, including clubs, staves, daggers, tridents, and cutlasses.
While ashore, Bailshar's priests attire themselves in billowing robes of white and blue, accentuated with silver trim that ripples with the slightest breeze, and they carry cutlasses at their sides. When aboard ship, these priests adopt the garb of common sailors or attire befitting their rank. As a sacred emblem, they carry a small vial of seawater at all times, though some clergy opt for sturdy jewelry bearing Bailshar's symbol for the same purpose.

Tenets of Faith

Embrace the challenge of the elements, finding exhilaration in the defiance of nature's forces. There is no greater thrill than feeling the wind and spray on one's face, with the deck pitching beneath one's feet. This sensation, more than any other, defines the essence of life at sea. It is a reminder that if humankind is to expand its reach, daring individuals must rise to defy the odds and dare the impossible. The thrill of exploration, with all its risks and uncertainties, is sweeter than the finest wine or rum, beckoning adventurers to push beyond the boundaries of the known world. In this life of adventure, risk is not only inevitable but essential. Without risk, life would be hollow and devoid of meaning. Thus, life is meant to be lived boldly, with a spirit that dares to challenge the status quo and embrace the unknown. Yet, amidst the perils of the sea, one's loyalties remain steadfastly anchored. First to one's comrades, who stand together in the face of adversity. Then to the vessel that carries them through stormy seas and calm waters alike. Finally, to Bailshar, the guardian of sailors, whose protection is sought in moments of peril.   However, sailors must not rely solely on Bailshar's intervention in times of trouble. Rather, they must take proactive steps to navigate their own paths and overcome the challenges that lie ahead. It is through active problem-solving and resilience that one truly earns Bailshar's favor. For Bailshar does not coddle those who seek refuge from adversity but instead aids those who bravely confront it. Thus, let sailors heed the call of the sea, embracing the challenges that come their way with courage and determination. In the dance between man and nature, it is through facing the tempests head-on that one discovers the true measure of their strength and resilience.


The Opening
The church observes a single sacred occasion called the Opening, typically held in springtime but with a flexible date. This festival commemorates the thawing of ice floes, particularly in northern regions, signifying the onset of the sailing season.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Bailshar presents himself as a towering figure, broad and sturdy, adorned in the regalia of a magnificent ship's captain. His attire includes a rich blue frock coat embellished with golden braid and brass buttons, layered over a vibrant brocade vest and a pristine white shirt with ruffled collar and cuffs. Completing his ensemble are knee-length trousers, hose, silver-buckled shoes, and a blue tricorn hat adorned with gold braid and a sizable white plume. Despite enduring countless storms, he maintains a debonair appearance, with sparkling brown eyes exuding a spirit of adventure.


Bailshar frequently materializes as shimmering auroras in the northern and southern skies, while sailors recount sightings of his spectral form amidst calm winds at sea. Occasionally, he manifests as a ghostly ship on the distant horizon, perpetually approaching but never drawing near.     Bailshar commands a host of intelligent and benevolent creatures, including dolphins, whales (especially narwhals), and sea birds. These animals serve as messengers of his mood, with a silver pigeon soaring gracefully to signify his favor and a nocturnal raven conveying his disapproval.

Special abilities

Bailshar possesses extraordinary abilities: he can exhale powerful gusts of wind at a rapid pace alongside his other talents. Any vessel bearing him remains steadfast, regardless of its condition or the severity of the weather. With a modified form of water-walking, he traverses any depth of water, seeming to stroll effortlessly with the water reaching only up to his knees. With a touch, he can either tranquilize turbulent seas within a mile radius or agitate them into a fierce frenzy, merely by swirling his hand. Every hour, he can summon a contingent of whales to serve his commands, with a slim chance of attracting a leviathan. Additionally, he possesses the ability to respire underwater as effortlessly as he does in air, negating penalties and spell effects, and remains impervious to drowning, water-based spells, elemental water entities, and electrical hazards. Furthermore, he can confer temporary immunity to these dangers and the capacity to respire underwater onto others with a touch, known as the "grace of Bailshar," lasting a day

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In the past, with the fall of Menedynn, it was told that his worship began after a legendary captain from Nidoran, challenged Merabyss and won against all odds, enlisting the aid of Lune.


Contacts & Relations

Bailshar stands as the adversary of the Deities of destruction and seeks guidance from Lune as he navigates the vast oceans and seas. He once shared a romantic bond with Shah, and through her, he pledged allegiance to Kord in the 10th AB century, while also undertaking the guardianship of sailors.
Navigator of Storms;
Captain of the Tides;
Mariner Supreme;
The Unflinching Captain;
The Admiral of War;
Divine Classification
Lesser Power
Chaotic Good
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Favorable Winds, Naval, Combat Ships, Naval Conflict, Ships, Sea Voyages, Seamanship
Air, Chaos (Azata, Riot, Whimsy), Good (Agathion, Azata, Friendship, Redemption), Protection, War (Duels, Tactics), Water (Oceans, Rivers), Weather (Monsoon, Storms)
A cloud with three lightning bolts over a ship's helm
Fighters, Rogues, Sailors
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
The Captain's Cutlass (cutlass)
Holy Days
The Opening

Worshipper Relations

Being a chaotic good deity, he does not consistently heed the prayers of his followers. Consequently, sailors' worship tends to focus on appeasing the Gods of Fury rather than expecting protection from them—a safeguard that might never materialize. Such is the unpredictable essence of the sea.  


A monastic order dedicated to Bailshar was established by a band of castaways in the Free Marches. This order subsequently founded numerous monasteries on islands and in major naval ports. They provide solace to widows and those afflicted by misfortune brought about by the sea.


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