Ghaundaur Character in Theras | World Anvil

Ghaundaur (gone-ah-dowr)

Ghaunadaur is part of the Dark Seldarine and mostly known as That Which Lurks and The Elder Eye. His domain encompasses slimy creatures, outcasts, and rebels.   Ghaunadaur is an unpredictable deity. Ghaundadur may reward false worshipers with permanent magical boons, or simply devour them without hesitation. The Elder Eye takes pleasure in observing large, horrific monsters as they hunt and inflict suffering upon their prey. When Ghaunadaur manifests outside the Inner Planes, silence accompanies its presence, although ancient records suggest a gibbering and bestial language spoken in the god's court. When communicating, Ghaunadaur employs telepathy and maintains conversations that are direct and straightforward.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

The followers of Ghaunadaur are organized into scattered cults spread throughout the Underdark, each led by a single figure. However, exceptions exist in a few drow and Aboleth cities where a more structured clergy is found. Ghaunadaur is also revered in the form of the Demon lord Juiblex, drawing worship from demonic cults associated with this guise.   Clerics devoted to Ghaunadaur are mandated to wholeheartedly serve the Elder Eye and fulfill its desires. Their primary obligation is to ensure a consistent supply of sacrifices to Ghaunadaur's altars by any means necessary. Successful clerics who accomplish these sacrifices are granted magical power and items. Ghaunadaur favors creatures that willingly offer themselves, regardless of whether they were charmed or coerced by clerics. Clerics who bring willing sacrifices are esteemed as the highest-ranking servants of Ghaunadaur.   Ghaunadaur encourages its clerics to become proficient in handling and creating acids, poisons, and alchemist's fire. Additionally, all temple furnishings and worshipers' attire must adhere to colors that please Ghaunadaur, including shades of purple, green, black, and metallic hues.  
Priestly Vestments
Priests devoted to Ghaunadaur are required to don attire in colors that please the Elder Eye. This typically consists of a long robe with billowing sleeves, adorned with a dark tabard bearing the symbol of the Elder Eye, and topped with a shining silver skull cap. Hair must be worn long and unbound, though facial hair such as beards and mustaches are forbidden. The sacred symbol of the faith is a black obsidian sphere, no less than 3 inches in diameter, often worn on a chain around the neck. These spheres are frequently surrounded by a soft, mauve-hued aura of continual faerie fire.   During their adventures, priests of Ghaunadaur equip themselves with whatever arms, armor, and gear are suitable for their tasks. While doing so, they remain mindful to attire themselves in hues that please the Elder Eye, as they understand that Ghaunadaur may be observing their actions. This dedication extends to tinting their armor and weapons accordingly.  
Shrines and temples dedicated to Ghaunadaur are grim chambers, frequently enveloped in noxious mists and slime oozing down the walls. These phenomena are most intense in areas where sacrificial rites are conducted. The pervasive odor is akin to wading through putrid sewage, repelling all who encounter it.  
The clergy of Ghaunadaur would conduct their daily prayers at a time deemed significant by the local cult. The Elder Eye mandated that each prayer be accompanied by a sacrifice, preferably a living one, although bones and food were also acceptable alternatives. These offerings were burnt in oil alongside braziers of fragrant incense. Should a worshiper be unable to provide offerings, they were obliged to perform their prayer while exposing one hand to an open flame.   Followers of Ghaunadaur embarked on the Gathering, a series of raids aimed at capturing sentient beings for sacrifice on the deity's altar. These captives would be coerced and drugged, compelled to approach the altar where the chief cleric would conduct a prayer before transforming into slime. The slime would then envelop and consume the victim, a process that could be repeated multiple times depending on the number of captives available.   The prayers and rituals offered to the Lord of Slime by Ghaunadaur's followers were as shapeless and vague as their deity. Each cleric expressed their prayers in their own way, without concern for coherence or structure. No cleric would question a worshipper for speaking gibberish or uttering nonsensical phrases, as such expressions were deemed acceptable in the eyes of Ghaunadaur.

Tenets of Faith

The dogma dictates that all creatures hold inherent worth and are capable of wielding power. Those who engage in hunting activities cull the weak, thereby enhancing the strength of all. Those who rebel or follow their own path contribute to progress and innovation within their respective races. Ghaunadaur venerates and embodies the essence of life, which thrives within creatures of power.   Followers are instructed to make offerings to the Elder Eye, convince others to sacrifice themselves in its name, and spread knowledge and fear of Ghaunadaur. Ultimately, devotees are urged to surrender themselves to Ghaunadaur through unquestioning self-sacrifice. The conversion of all beings to the worship of Ghaunadaur is deemed essential.   Furthermore, adherents are directed to eliminate clergy from other faiths, seizing their resources to enrich themselves and promote the worship of Ghaunadaur.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ghaunadaur is rumored to have emerged from the primordial ooze itself. During that time, it was revered by the largest of slimes and other crawling creatures, many of which possessed alien intelligence. However, in a fit of fury for reasons unknown, Ghaunadaur drove most of them mad and stripped them of their intellects. This unexpected turn of events led to the disappearance of many worshipers, causing The Elder Eye's power to wane. Only in recent millennia have certain malevolent beings returned to Ghaunadaur, seeking an alternative to established deities. Ghaunadaur's association with the drow pantheon is primarily due to the worship of drow who became disillusioned with Lolth.


Contacts & Relations

As a complete loner, Ghaunadaur does not possess a loyal single ally. He directly opposes just about every other deity with a presence in the Underdark. His other major enemies are Menas and The Seldarine. It is an occasional ally of Lolth and Tharizdun.
That Which Lurks;
The Elder Eye;
The Slime Lord;
Primordial Guardian of Decay;
Divine Classification
Lesser Power
Chaotic Evil
Aligned Organization
Home Plane
Dismal Caverns
Subservient Deities
Oozes, slimes, jellies, outcasts, ropers, rebels
Chaos (Demodand, Demon, Entropy, Protean, Revelry, Riot), Elf, Erosion, Evil, Madness (Insanity), Ruins
Purplish eye on purple, violet and black circles
Aboleths, drow, fighters, oozes, outcasts, ropers
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
An amorphous tentacle (warhammer)
Holy Days


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