Tharizdun Character in Theras | World Anvil


Light must be extinguished, perfection must erode, order must disintegrate, and minds must be shattered..
— Chant to Tharizdun.
Tharizdun, is a primordial and a god who embodies Eternal Darkness, Decay, Entropy, Malign Knowledge, Insanity, and Cold. He is a deity long relegated to obscurity, driven by a desire to unravel the fabric of the universe, including his own existence. Imprisoned by the gods for creating the Abyss during the Great Rift, his devotees seek to release him from captivity. Despite his confinement, Tharizdun retains the ability to bestow spells upon the deranged cultists who venerate him.  


Tharizdun's cult is scattered across the world and the most known are the three following orders:  
  • Doomvisioners: Among Tharizdun's devoted adherents are the Doomvisioners, an esteemed echelon of priests who receive divine visions from their deity. They specialize in gathering arcane and obscure knowledge, including the names of demons.
  • Obsidian Sect: An ominous faction stemming from many cults; The Obsidian Sect emerges from the shadows, its origins veiled in secrecy and ancient lore. Founded by those disillusioned with the conventional paths of worship.   Gathered within hidden chambers and remote sanctuaries, the members of the Obsidian Sect conduct their clandestine rituals and ceremonies. Their devotion to Tharizdun is unwavering, expressed through whispered invocations and solemn rites performed under the cloak of night.
  • Shadow Reapers: The Shadow Reapers are a clandestine order, shrouded in mystery and whispered rumors. They operate in the shadows, their presence barely perceptible to those who walk in the light. Masters of stealth and subterfuge, they are the silent executioners of Tharizdun's will.   Forged in the crucible of darkness, the Shadow Reapers are sworn to the service of the Dread God, carrying out his enigmatic commands with ruthless efficiency. Theirs is a realm of secrets and shadows, where every step is taken with calculated precision and every strike is delivered with deadly accuracy.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Despite Tharizdun's prolonged absence, his cults endure, relentlessly striving to establish means of communication with their ominous master and orchestrate his liberation to sow chaos once more.   The meager ranks of Tharizdun's adherents consist predominantly of individuals teetering on the brink of insanity, with those retaining their sanity posing a significant threat. Direct communion with the incarcerated deity is feasible solely in the vicinity of his few remaining artifacts or forgotten sanctuaries, yet the boon of his blessings exacts a toll of madness.   Numerous cults remain oblivious to the true identity of the entity they venerate as Tharizdun. Devoid of the capacity for direct intervention, he channels his influence through concealed guises and avatars, operating from the shadows to dispense his dark power.   Tharizdun's adherents operate covertly, concealing their temples in the shadows of secrecy. Many devotees cling to the hopeful notion that their allegiance will spare them from annihilation when their deity unleashes cataclysm upon the multiverse. Their objective centers on amassing Tharizdun's artifacts to facilitate his liberation from captivity, envisioning him as the harbinger of ultimate destruction. While the cult's leaders grasp the magnitude of this apocalyptic vision, lower-ranking members often harbor more localized grievances against society, ignorant of the full scope of Tharizdun's cataclysmic potential.   Emphasizing the significance of the number three, followers attribute particular significance to the reputed 333 Gems of Tharizdun, each deemed a minor unholy relic. Tharizdun's clerics can only access his power through contact with such artifacts.   Clerics devoted to Tharizdun face a unique challenge in attaining their spells, as conventional means of divine communion are hindered by his enigmatic imprisonment. Instead, they must establish contact with his scant holy artifacts or ancient sanctuaries to channel his dark energies.  
Numerous temples are overseen by charismatic high priests referred to as the Witnesses of Tharizdun. They reside in luxurious settings, indulging in extravagant feasts and other earthly pleasures, all funded by their subordinates. Each Tharizdun cult features a unique hierarchy and organizational structure beneath the Witness.  
The remaining forgotten temples of Tharizdun are concealed in obscure, subterranean locations, maintained at frigid temperatures through age-old enchantments erected by their zealous founders. Constructed predominantly from black stone in a dated trapezoidal architectural style, these ancient sanctuaries evoke an aura of sinister mystery. Modern temples devoted to Tharizdun have emerged within forsaken urban structures, neglected sewer chambers, and the basements of newly converted adherents. Some operate with relative visibility in remote wilderness regions, where the sparse local populace lacks the courage to confront them.  
Followers of Tharizdun engage in gruesome rituals of sacrifice. The majority of their ceremonies revolve around futile endeavors to establish communion with their god or uncover the means to break the shackles that confine him.

Tenets of Faith

The clergy of Tharizdun preach that all things eventually crumble, and in time Tharizdun's victory over the gods will be complete.
  • Offer and siphon power to Tharizdun until his liberation comes.
  • Uncover, restore, and exalt forgotten shrines and relics in his honor.
  • Ruin and raze the realms to prepare for the Epoch of Ends.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Tharizdun is often depicted as a swirling, shapeless mass of darkness. At times, he is portrayed as a spectral wraith, devoid of form, with a featureless black visage.

Personality Characteristics


Tharizdun defies conventional understanding as a deity. Its essence is deeply alien, lacking in intricate schemes or calculated designs. Instead, it embodies a primal, subconscious urge for annihilation, subtly corroding and manipulating whatever it can to subvert all existence. Such understanding is sometimes attributed to Nyx.   It cunningly adopts guises that align with the desires of other beings, infiltrating and warping their thoughts and perceptions towards its own destructive objectives.
The Dark God;
The Ebon God;
Lord of Decay;
The Ender;
The Patient One;
He Who waits;
The Anathema;
The Father of Elder Evils;
The Author of Wickedness;
The Eater of Worlds;
The Despised;
The Undoer;
The Chained God;
The Lost God;
Divine Classification
Intermediate Power
Chaotic Evil
Aligned Organization
Home Plane
Unkown Demiplane of Imprisonment
Subservient Deities
Darkness, elemental power, entropy, insanity, ruin, vengeance
Chaos (Entropy, Protean), Darkness (Loss), Destruction (Hatred, Rage, Torture), Evil (Cannibalism, Corruption, Daemon, Demodand, Kyton), Erosion, Madness, Ruins, Void
Black spiral or inverted pyramid
Fanatic nihilists, evil elemental beings
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Curved dagger
Holy Days


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