Lolth Character in Theras | World Anvil

Lolth (loalth or Lalth or Lolth)

Great Goddess, Matron of the Shadows, bestow upon me the blood of adversaries to drink and their beating hearts as sustenance. Allow the cries of their offspring to become my melody, provide the vulnerability of their males for my pleasure, and offer the riches of their abodes for my comfort. Through this humble offering, I pay homage to you, Sovereign of Arachnids, and implore your might to vanquish those who oppose me.
— The following is a secret sacrificial prayer in Abyssal known only to high priestesses:
  Lolth, also known as Loalth or Lloth in the Drow dialect, is revered as the Queen of Spiders or the Queen of the Demonweb Pits. She stands as a goddess among the Drow, embodying chaotic evil tendencies and finding delight in disorder. Her worshipers emulate her chaotic essence by embracing unpredictable actions and revering spiders. Lolth finds particular pleasure in the ruthless nature of newborn spider broods, where survival hinges on brutal competition. She encourages her followers to eliminate rivals, ensuring only the strongest prevail, akin to the survival of the fittest among spider offspring. While her chaotic demeanor may appear erratic, those astute enough recognize her as a strategic thinker, always steps ahead of those who seek to understand her. Lolth embodies cruelty and dominance, imposing her will upon both her devotees and adversaries alike, advocating for the strong to oppress the weak through unimaginable torment.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Those who disappoint Lolth, a deity known for her whimsical nature, often face grim fates—either meeting their demise or enduring a transformation into creatures known as driders. These beings possess a centaur-like form with spider-like features below their waists, a stark departure from the equine attributes of typical centaurs. Additionally, Lolth commands the loyalty of shapeshifting demons known as yochlol, whose natural appearance resembles molten wax blobs with ominous, glaring red eyes.   Lolth's clergy predominantly consists of females, although rare exceptions include male clerics, who are barred from attaining the esteemed position of high priest. Adorned in red and black attire, reminiscent of drow garb, her clerics also don tunics and helms. Arachnids naturally hold a sacred status among her followers. Worship of the Spider Queen occurs during the full moon within subterranean marble temples, where offerings of enemies and wealth are ritually sacrificed to her on a monthly basis.  
Although ranks and titles vary across different communities, the Church of Lolth does not maintain official ranks or a structured hierarchy. Among the commonly recognized titles are the seasoned Reverend Mothers and the less experienced Reverend Daughters, while others are simply addressed as Revered or Priestess.  
Each month, surface elves are offered as sacrifices to Lolth. According to tradition, only females are allowed to participate in these rituals, which typically occur in a designated sacred chamber. However, certain rituals of great significance or requiring a public spectacle may be conducted openly and with mixed attendance. To invoke Lolth's assistance, the blood of enemies or devotees of the faith is shed using a dagger shaped like a spider. Additionally, valuable gems or other treasures may be offered as sacrifices by casting them into blazing braziers while reciting appropriate prayers. Lolth's preference for sacrifice is distinct and twisted. She favors the blood of elves over other humanoid races, prioritizing drow blood above all other elves. Furthermore, she desires the deaths of her own priestesses more than any other beings, although such sacrifices are exceedingly rare. Yet, they hold the highest favor in the eyes of the Queen of Spiders.   At intervals, drow individuals might be compelled to demonstrate their worthiness for Lolth's favor through rigorous trials. Those who succeed receive rewards, whereas those who do not are metamorphosed into driders and other grotesque creatures.

Tenets of Faith

  • Fear is strength, while love and respect are weaknesses.
  • Strength is rewarded by Lolth, while the weak are destined for death.
  • Disobedient males and non-drow are to be sacrificed to Lolth.
  • Spiders are revered as holy animals in Lolth's faith, and harming them is a grave offense.
  • Lolth's commands are erratic and often contradictory, posing a challenge for blind adherence and potentially leading to destruction.
  • Drow who refuse to worship Lolth must either convert or be killed.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Lolth is a demon lord and a goddess worshipped by the drow (some myths propose that she was originally a goddess who was transformed into a demon). She displays formidable power and great cruelty with an affection for arachnids. Goddess of Darkness, Drow, Evil, and Spiders (and assassins and chaos in the Forgotten Realms), Lolth has, through deceit and domination, garnered the ears of the dark elves and eventually established herself as their foremost deity, keeping them under her thumb by creating a society in which only the strong survive and her priestesses are strongest.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lolth, previously known as Araushnee, was revered as the elven goddess of destiny, artisans, and dark elves. Once the beloved of Corellon, she captivated him with her grace and beauty. However, consumed by a newfound thirst for power, Araushnee's demeanor darkened with unprecedented greed and cruelty. She betrayed Corellon by aiding his adversaries, ultimately leading to his defeat in a confrontation with Gruumsh, his archenemy. Araushnee, now aligned with the Orc god, dispatched Menas to pursue her weakened former lover. Despite her efforts, Corellon, aided by Sehanine Moonbow, managed to overcome The Master of the Hunt through sheer prowess in combat.   Corellon remained oblivious to the truth behind the attacks orchestrated by his consort's treachery. However, Sehanine Moonbow uncovered Araushnee's deceit, revealing her affair with Fenmarel Mestarine in a bid to garner his support for an impending rebellion. Initially captivated by her advances, Fenmarel ultimately rejected Araushnee's schemes. Enraged by her failure, Araushnee imprisoned Sehanine. Faced with thwarted plans, she rallied an alliance against The Seldarine, known as the "Anti-Seldarine", comprising Vhaeraun, Menas, Ghaunadaur, Gruumsh, Morana, and various other deities of goblinoids, orcs, giants, and kobolds, as well as the unwitting Eilistraee. Sehanine escaped imprisonment and warned Corellon of the impending assault. Despite their outnumbered status, the Anti-Seldarine were vanquished. Araushnee confronted Corellon directly, only to be thwarted by Sehanine, Hanali Celanil, and Aerdrie Faenya, who combined their powers to defeat her. Araushnee, along with her children, was banished to the Abyss, her form twisted into that of a bloated spider Demon by Corellon to prevent reconsideration of his judgment based on her former beauty.   Araushnee adopted the name Lolth and transformed the 66th layer of the Abyss into her new domain. With no other abode, Vhaeraun, Eilistraee, and Ghaunadaur established minor residences there, although Vhaeraun and Eilistraee seldom visited, preferring the Plane of Shadow and Arvandor respectively. Ghaunadaur, residing in the same realm as Lolth, professed his affection for her, but she, valuing physical beauty, spurned his advances due to his lack thereof. Drow demi-power Kiaransalee constructed a tower of bones within the realm and subsequently fell under Lolth's dominion as a reluctant vassal. Additionally, Lolth discovered the demon prince Zanassu, who claimed authority over spiders. Feeling entitled to such a domain with her new form, she deceived Selvetarm into attacking Zanassu, resulting in his demise. This act granted Lolth a divine portfolio and a new consort. Leveraging her restored divinity, she transformed the 66th layer into the Demonweb Pits, shaping it into a colossal funnel-shaped web to complement her arachnid form.   Afterward, an unidentified Elf trespassed into the Demonweb, sparking Lolth's recollection of a method to reclaim more of her divine status by reestablishing worship among the surface elves.
  She initiated the corruption of surface elves, particularly focusing on the dark-skinned and militant Dark Elves, whom she once exclusively patronized. Her actions during the Second Crown War ultimately led to the transformation of the Illythiri into drow. This occurred when she dispatched the balor lord Wendonai and other demonic agents to offer corruptive power to the dark elves. Just before the Illythiri's transition into drow, they had begun openly venerating Lolth.

Personality Characteristics


Lolth embodies a goddess of chilling cruelty, perfectly suited to the darkest Abyssal depths, relishing in betrayal, bloodshed, and manipulation of both minions and victims alike. She finds pleasure and sustenance in acts of torture, destruction, and death, whether orchestrating them personally or indirectly. Every interaction drips with malice, emanating ill will with every gesture, leaving even her closest associates surprised by the depths of her viciousness. While akin to the relentless fury of Gruumsh, the Orc deity, her malice is intricate and intentional, contrasting with his mindless violence. Moreover, Gruumsh's hatred is steady and unwavering, while Lolth's is marked by unpredictable capriciousness.   Lolth commands unwavering loyalty and obedience from all Dark Elf, deeming any questioning of her motives or wisdom a grave offense. This decree extends to male drow, despite her disdain for them, and she swiftly retaliates against any who forsake her faith. Secretly, she harbors a desire for the worship of other elven races and humans, relishing in their corruption into her service more than inflicting torment or devastation. Meanwhile, she sows perpetual chaos among the drow, fostering discord to eliminate the weak and complacent, leaving only the strongest, cruelest, and most cunning to serve her. While she partially believes this to be a necessary culling, it also serves her own amusement and pursuit of supremacy.   Lolth demands absolute allegiance and obedience from all drow, viewing any skepticism of her intentions or judgment as a serious transgression. This expectation applies universally, even to male drow, whom she regards with contempt, swiftly punishing any who renounce her faith. Privately, she yearns for the adoration of other elven races and humans, finding greater satisfaction in their corruption to her service than in causing suffering or destruction. Simultaneously, she instigates ceaseless turmoil among the drow, inciting conflict to weed out weakness and complacency, ensuring that only the strongest, cruelest, and most cunning remain to serve her. While she partly justifies this as a necessary purification, it also serves her personal entertainment and quest for dominance.   Lolth's encouragement of discord among her followers has led many to question her sanity, a perception not entirely unfounded. Since her fall from grace, her mental state has deteriorated, transforming her into the scheming and malevolent figure she is known as today. Her desires are not consistent but rather capricious, yet despite any madness, the drow value cunning and manipulation over mental stability. Ironically, although she demands obedience, nothing garners her attention and admiration more than betrayal, even if only temporary. Deception and political ruthlessness are prized traits among her favored servants, with ambition outweighing loyalty in her eyes.


Contacts & Relations

Lolth harbors a deep-seated enmity towards Corellon Larethian and his followers. Additionally, she maintains rivalries with several Demon Lords of the Abyss, particularly Zuggtmoy, the Demoness Lady of Fungi. Despite Lolth's ascent to true godhood, her animosity towards Zuggtmoy remains, indicating a lingering hostility between the two entities.  
The Dark Seldarine
Lolth is the leader of the Dark Seldarine, also known as The drow pantheon, though named as such, is effectively under the absolute dominion of Lolth, the Spider Queen. While some members nominally acknowledge her leadership, such as Kiaransalee and Selvetarm, Lolth's authority remains unchallenged. The Dark Seldarine comprises Eilistraee, Ghaunadaur, Kiaransalee, Selvetarm, and Vhaeraun, with the latter being Selvetarm's father. Apart from Eilistraee, all members harbor resentment towards Lolth, desiring to overthrow her rule. Eilistraee, however, seeks to free the drow from Lolth's tyranny and guide them towards peace and redemption. Previously, the Dark Seldarine resided in the Demonweb Pits, but recent events, including Lolth's ascension to greater godhood, have brought about changes in their dynamics.   Until 1,021 AB, the Dark Seldarine maintained a fragile truce, permitting the worship of other members in most Dark Elven cities. However, fierce competition persists, and assassination remains a common occurrence.
Queen of Spiders;
Demon Queen of Spiders;
Queen of the Demonweb Pits;
Queen of Darkness;
Dark Mother;
Mother of Lusts;
The Lady of Chaos;
Weaver of Destiny;
Weaver of Webs;
The Weaver;
Spider Bitch;
The Demon Queen;
Mother of Monsters;
Mother of Beasts;
Mother of Demons;
Mother of Perversion;
Mistress of Insanity;
Grandmother Nightmare;
Araushnee (Formerly];
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil
Aligned Organization
Khaziba, Araushnee
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Selvetarm, Zinzerena, Vhaeraun
Deceit, Deception, Intrigue, Lies, Assassins, Drows, Spiders
Chaos, Darkness, Evil
Animal (Insect), Chaos (Demon, Riot), Darkness (Loss, Night, Shadow, Yule), Destruction, Elf, Evil (Corruption, Demon, Fear), Madness (Insanity, Nightmare), Magic, Nobility, Trickery, Vermin
Jeweled Spider
Drow, depraved elves, sentient spiders
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Spider (Dagger)
Holy Days

Worshipper Relations

Lolth's followers encompass a diverse array of beings, primarily drow, but also including aranea, chitine, draegloths, and deep dragons. She attempts to expand her worship by assuming the Aspect of Etarr, a deity associated with decay and corruption, even attracting a few elven adherents.   Under the guise of purging weakness, Lolth incites intense internal strife among her worshipers. However, her true objectives are to maintain absolute dominion over the dark elves, suppress alternative ideologies, and prevent complacency, though she takes pleasure in the turmoil within drow society. Ultimately, her influence proves detrimental to the long-term unity and progress of her followers, hindering their ability to unite against common adversaries or pursue shared goals.  


The Arachnid Vanguard, Order of Soul Spiders
The Arachnid Vanguard, also referred to as the Order of Soul Spiders, represents an elite combat unit comprised solely of male crusaders. Found within dark elven cities that worship Lolth and permit males to enter her priesthood, they operate under the direct command of the ruling Matron Mothers. Tasked with targeted assassinations, they are deployed continuously until their demise.  
Handmaidens of the Spider Queen
The Handmaidens of the Spider Queen, also known as the "Daughters of the Yochlol", were a female crusader order. Unlike other orders tied to specific cities, they operated at the behest of Lolth, intervening when she sought to assert control over entire cities. Throughout history, they razed drow cities on at least five occasions to ensure unwavering loyalty to Lolth. One of their regular duties involved intimidating merchants aligned with Vhaeraun or settlements dominated by followers of Vhaeraun or Ghaunadaur.   However, this order is now used to help maintain order and to assassinate enemies of the Drow Pantheon, while also priortizing Lolth role as the leader of the pantheon, while also allowing the worship of others.


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