Grove of the Unicorns Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil

Grove of the Unicorns

The Deep Forest is a that grove sits at the base of a cluster of great sequoias that form a natural cathedral for those beneath the canopy. The lowest branches of the trees are hundreds of feet in the air, such that those with wings can fly through Ehlonna's cathedral without difficulty. This place co-exist within the Feywild and the House of Nature     Those who reside within the borders of Ehlonna's realm live in peace with the trees and animals, and they are similarly left alone by the wild creatures. The thinking creatures of the House of Elysium adore Ehlonna, ensuring that she is often aware of occurrences that happen far from her domain. The grove attracts groups of unicorns. In addition, there are herds of bariaurs in Ehlonna's service. Centaur petitioners are found in Ehlonna's realm.   All spells cast by rangers within the Grove of the Unicorns are enhanced, and all spells that create food or water are exceptionally bountiful. Ehlonna have the power to make other alterations to magic within their realm, if they so desire.   The Grove appears to be only a simple grove of trees found within a larger forest, but it is much bigger on the inside than on the outside. If an explorer can be counted as a friend to nature, they might spot a unicorn drinking from a pool in the heart of the grove, whereupon the entirety of the lush realm would appear around them. But one who is unworthy would not see the unicorn and could wander in and out and never know the realm was there.   According to the animal petitioners, there are odd settlements hidden within the Grove, but there were a mystery to outsiders.  
As the name suggested, the Grove is a wood where many unicorns and celestial chargers could be encountered.
Location under
House of Nature


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