Krigala Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil


Krigala is the first and topmost layer of the Beastlands. It was called Selera's Empire, because it is bathed in perpertual sunlight from the Beastlands' sun, Selera.   Krigala is a heavily forested layer with trees of all sorts of varieties. The main way in which Krigala differs from the other two layers is its sky. It is perpetually noon in Krigala, with the bright sun directly overhead and never moving. The sun appears to be at its highest point in the sky no matter how far one might travel. Time do pass, but the sun gives no indication of this; instead, time can be tracked by the fact that precipitation of some form falling exactly once per twenty-four hour period.   Despite the fact that it is always midday, the layer has a variety of climates, and these climates cover the layer with no apparent organization. Deserts and savannahs are cooked by Selera's heat. Other areas are in the shade of massive and thick jungle canopy. Some regions are covered in fog; others even have snow. For the most part, however, it is just warm enough for all of the vast plant life. The temperature decreases as one climbed higher in altitude, as on the Material Plane.   The River Oceanus flows through the center of Krigala in a relatively straight path, from Elysium and to Arborea. When the river does curve, bayous and oxbow lakes are formed. Some of the largest trees are able to bridge the river with their massive branches. Similarly, some of the largest herds and most powerful predators live close to the waters. The current is strong, and the river is marked in places by white-water rapids.   It is possible to physically move from Krigala to Brux, the second plane. Such portals are invisible and seemingly random. The layers overlapp each other in a similar manner to how the Transitive Planes overlappe the Prime Material plane, so one can be walking beneath an archway formed by a large branch and suddenly find her- or himself in the twilight of Brux instead of the eternal day of Krigala without any other change in the immediate environment. Some such portals are found along narrow cliff trails, and these cliffs are sometimes considered the border between the two layers. The interlayer portals tendto be one way, so turning around to walk back under that same branch or up that same cliff path are not likely return the noonday sun. Fortunately, interlayer portals are very common, so it is not too difficult to find an alternate path back to Krigala.   Portals to Arborea, Elysium, and the Outlands are also present, usually appearing as openings in large, hollow trees. The same type of tree always lead to the same plane. For example, silver-plated beech trees that are portals always led to Arborea, as did lightning-blasted oaks. Sequoias connected to Elysium. The portals shift frequently, so what used to be a portal on one day might be nothing but a dead tree on another. Here also, a gate to Asgard is rumored to be guarded by a per servant of Heimdall.   To reach Krigala with the plane shift spell requires a gold planar fork tuned to the note of F.      
The Deeping Pool is a small lake hidden deep within a broadleaf forest. The leaves cast a shadow of green twilight over the whole area, except for the very center of the lake, where light from the sun caused the waters to sparkle like a bowl full of diamonds. No one knows how deep this lake is. It is the only lake for hundreds of miles, and so it is a common drinking spot for the many animals of Krigala. It is said by some that sharing a drink from the pool's waters with one of the native animals grants the visitor temporary animal-like abilities, such as enhanced night vision or scent or improved skill at climbing.   A three concentric circles of menhirs, fittingly called the Standing Stones, stand upon a tall hill in a rugged region of the layer. The Standing Stones are believed to have once served as a shrine to a nature deity. Herds of grazing animals frequente the area sround the hill and its Stones, and predators hunt them. A tiefling known simply as the Warden defends the herds from would be hunters who are not natural animals.   The town of Signpost is a frontier settlement located on this layer. One of the only settlements on the entire layer, it is govered by a tiefling priestess of Alpaida named Sarazh. It was founded as an outpost for the Sign of One faction. The town is considered as wild as the enviroment around it by many, but it is frequented by many seeking the grand view, as it is located near the cliffs that serve as one of the borders to Brux.  
All manner of diurnal celestial animals inhabit this layer. These animals are more intelligent than animals from the Material and able to speak, but they are still animals in their outlook and manner of life. Most of them know how the interlayer portals worked and can instinctively avoid them if desired.   Skerrit's centaur petitioners are were found on this layer, living in small huts or lean-tos.
Alternative Name(s)
Selera's Empire
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