Heiligstes König Reich Celtira Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Heiligstes König Reich Celtira

Heiligstes König Reich Celtira is the holiest kingdom of Celtira, or Holy Celtria a kingdom was full of celestial and upper beings that settled the prime material plane.   It should be noted that many considered this kingdom to be heaven on earth, being the lands of the greatest Celestial powers - many wrongfully consider this to be Ervenius' kingdom, however the truth is that he only supported them during inter-planar wars.


This kingdom was basically founded by Ervenius, or so the Ervenians say. It was ruled by servants of the Celestial Hebdomad, thus making sure that incursion of the lowers planes would not survive.

5,500 BB - 910 AB

Alternative Names
Holiest kingdom of Celtira, Holy Celtria
Neighboring Nations


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