House Lonar Organization in Theras | World Anvil

House Lonar

House Lonar, The Bafigronian House, while being completely obliterated in the rebellion against the Dreadful King as their ruler, the humans there live there in coexistence with the half-elves (which fanatically find this as their own kingdom. Even that more than 50% were half-elven there, the house is ruled by two representatives (as a diarchy), that are chosen by the races each 10 years. One is a human and the other half-elf, when they reach an impasse at the decision and have discord among themselves, they consul the "The Dual Council", a council of the most prestigious clerics of Kord, Soryna and Ioun together for them to reach a conclusion.   The Symbol of the house is the symbol of a half-Griffin, Half a bull with a horn broken.   The warriors of this realm had a long relationship with the Griffons, which were all but destroyed in the last war.   House Lonar surrendered in Fonacius 1,051, but are still not upholding their end of the deal to stop the worship of "False Gods", save the Andorian Church.
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