Kord Character in Theras | World Anvil


Kord is the god of War, ever on the lips of warriors and all combatants in war, arenas or a friendly brawl.   Kord is more a god of battle, utilizing the Ki and Magic for battle, becoming a patron of Magi and Monks.

Holy Books & Codes

The sacred writings concerning Kord abound with tales illustrating his unwavering commitment to freedom and independence, often leading him into adversity. Yet, his indomitable spirit, fortified by courage, determination, and extraordinary physical prowess, consistently carried him through such trials.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

The Kordian church is widely renowned in war-torn Theras, where centuries of conflict have seen its followers fight honorably on all fronts. Their independence commands respect across faiths, with many believing victory may come with Kord's favor. Almost every warrior has crossed paths with a Kordian cleric, whether as an ally or adversary. Contrary to the belief that everyone can worship Kord, seldom are there Death knights, Blackguards or paladins. Most of its 'holy' or 'profane' warriors are either crusaders or trained as clerics.   Clerics devoted to the war deity are tasked with upholding the principles of disciplined warfare, maintaining a reputable image, and fostering professionalism to minimize unnecessary bloodshed and resolve conflicts responsibly. Simultaneously, they must advocate for training and preparedness to defend civilized Human settlements against threats like monster raids and Orc invasions. Those who resort to dishonorable tactics such as poison, indiscriminate violence against civilians, or torture will lose the deity's favor and face public condemnation and punishment. It is the duty of war clerics to honor fallen warriors by inscribing their names on memorials and leading ceremonies commemorating their sacrifice, ensuring their memory lives on. Additionally, they are tasked with collecting and revering the weapons and armor of renowned warriors, as these relics carry the spirit of past battles and inspire future generations.   There are two churches within the faith of Kord, the Fists of Kords and the Stormwardens;  
Fists of Kord
This Sect is more chaotic in nature, with no true heirarchy. All find joy in the competitions of strength and brawling.   The priests, known as the Fists of Kord, are renowned not for their intellectual prowess but for their unwavering strength, martial skill, and commitment to maintaining peak physical condition. They stand as a martial clergy, not driven by ambitions of conquest or dominion, and their actions typically lack strategic objectives.   These Fists of Kord are celebrated for their bravery, compassion, and generosity, yet their penchant for stirring up trouble is equally well-known. They take grave offense at any doubts cast upon their physical prowess and eagerly embrace challenges to prove their mettle, distinguishing between difficult endeavors and those that verge on suicidal.   Always in pursuit of daring quests and new adventures, the Fists of Kord seek challenges that champion resistance against oppressive regimes. While they avoid missions deemed impossible, they eagerly seize opportunities promising even a sliver of success and the chance for glory.   The Fists of Kord constantly seek out challenges, heroic quests, and fresh adventures. They particularly relish endeavors that champion resistance against tyrannical regimes. While they avoid missions deemed impossible, they eagerly embrace those offering even a glimmer of success.   Whenever an opportunity presents itself, the Fists of Kord eagerly demonstrate their strength and prowess, particularly in sporting competitions. This penchant can occasionally frustrate their companions, as these challenges may divert the priest's focus from urgent missions. Convincing them to abstain from participation is often met with resistance or complaints. Furthermore, priests of Kord often share their deity's romantic inclination toward attractive individuals of the opposite sex encountered during their travels, which can also lead to complications for their companions, especially if they seek to avoid drawing attention.   Fists of Kord never feel offended if they encounter someone more skilled than themselves; instead, it presents a new challenge. However, questioning the physical prowess of a Kordian priest is deemed a serious insult, prompting them to go to great lengths to demonstrate their capabilities.   The Fists of Kord aid in the physical training of those under their guidance, aiming to enhance their strength. They arrange athletic contests and actively engage in demanding physical endeavors. Moreover, they readily contribute to community tasks that demand robust physical exertion. Their preferred weapons include the greatsword, bastard sword, and battleaxe.  
This sect is more lawful, generals and commanders, where their main temple and greatest temple is located in Strategos Ascendant Institute.   The Stormwardens are leaders at heart who must lead by example, leading the troops and showing unfailing courage in all battles. Some consider them reckless, stupid, or suicidal, but they are none of that. They can make whatever preparations they think necessary, and consider the magnitude of the problems or challenges before taking action. They sometimes become enraged when those they have sworn to defend are bruised, but it is usually a conscious decision on their part, when they feel it is the best course of action.   Any Stormwarden who displays cowardice, excluding instances influenced by magical fear or charms, immediately forfeits all clerical abilities, except for the spells of 1st and 2nd level that they can still recall. They must then seek absolution from a higher-ranking priest to atone for their failing, often through completing a heroic quest to prove their worthiness to Kord and the clergy.   Within the ranks of the Kordian clergy, the act of capturing enemies rather than killing them is highly esteemed. Priests who defeat formidable adversaries using non-lethal combat techniques are commended for their valor. This tradition also serves as a means of financial gain for priests, who may receive rewards for capturing criminals wanted for justice. However, priests only accept such commissions when the motives and nature of the crimes align with their own principles.   The Stormwardens are abled mentors and trainers of various armies and units, always eager to train other in defense and in battle.  
The temples of Kord, belonging to the Stormwardens, often resemble fortified military compounds rather than conventional places of worship. Alongside a central shrine dedicated to honoring the fallen, adorned with the worn shields and blades of warriors, these temples primarily serve as centers for military activities. They feature armories, barracks, and training grounds, with the more affluent fortresses occasionally hosting libraries focused on the history of warfare and commemorating the fallen.   The temples of the Fists of Kord typically serve as arenas where priests train and host sports tournaments. Some are modest enclosures surrounded by wooden bleachers, while larger temples feature amenities like baths, a gymnasium, a running track, and a prominent statue of Kord.   In various regions, one can encounter Kord's followers journeying across Theras in small groups of two or three individuals. Their places of worship typically comprise modest tents set up along the roadside, situated outside the bustling cities.  
Priestly Vestments
Within the Stormwarden sect, when not clad in battle-worn armor, clerics of Kord frequently don helms or steel skullcaps. However, they are cautious never to obscure their faces, as closely resembling Kord in this manner is considered disrespectful to the Lord of Battles.   Some of the zealous itinerant clerics never shed their full armor (most notably those of the Neo-Ordosi), while within the temples of major cities, clergy are seldom seen armored except during ceremonies preceding military campaigns or the onset of sieges. The formal attire of a cleric devoted to Kord consistently features trimmings in the vibrant hue of fresh blood, yet varies in overall color depending on location and rank, with lower-ranking individuals often donning darker-colored robes. Ceremonial garments in shades of brown or purple are common among most war clerics, while senior clergy opt for red or amber attire, and those of the highest rank adorn themselves in yellow or white. Additionally, many esteemed clerics of Kord are distinguished by their preference for spiked gauntlets alongside their trusty battleaxes.   In the Fists of Kord sect, The selection of individuals to become Fists of Kord can vary; some are chosen after winning athletic contests, while others, albeit rarely, may be individuals who, despite being sickly and weak, exhibit a strong desire for strength, catching the attention of a cleric of Kord. Regardless of their background, all initiates must undergo rigorous strength training, which includes calisthenics and other demanding physical exercises.   Nevertheless, in both factions, Kord's clergy are required to assume leadership roles and aid in the development of those under their guidance to enhance their strength. They arrange athletic contests and enthusiastically engage in demanding physical pursuits. Casting doubt on the physical prowess of a Kordian priest is viewed as a serious affront, prompting them to undertake significant efforts to demonstrate their capabilities. Their preferred weapons include the greatsword and the bastard sword.  
Within the Stormwarden sect, they have a hierarchy;
  • Novitiate: The entry level, usually clad in leather jerkins and sashes.
  • Vanguard: Clerics, usually attired in chainmail.
  • Ironclad: Warrior-priests, who usually wear breastplates and bracers.
  • Stormward: Battle-chaplains, who usually wear splint mail.
  • Tempestblade: Master warriors, usually outfitted in spiked plate mail
  • Thunderguard: Guardian priests, who usually wear full plate.
  • Stormlord: High priests, who wear gilded magic plate mail that enables flight.
Kord's clerics invoke spells just before the peak of the sun. The church of Kord celebrates holy days on the eve and anniversary of significant battles, varying by location. Additionally, it is customary for worshippers to offer a small amount of blood, preferably their own or from a worthy adversary, while singing the Song of the Axe in Kord's honor at least once every ten days. This ritual typically involves a prayer for courage and success in upcoming battles, directed to the war god through the weapon most commonly wielded by the worshipper. Acquiring a new weapon, especially through hard-fought victory, is interpreted as a sign of favor from Kord, and such weapons are used in worship.   Kord's ceremonies are concise, usually lasting only a few minutes. They are celebratory gatherings, often held after a battle or a display of strength, where members of the church proudly recount their physical achievements and glorious triumphs. Hymns praising Kord typically commemorate battles fought in his name.   Prayers to Kord generally involve rhythmic clapping and chanting, the louder the better. Many of the syllables in these chants exist solely to maintain rhythm and rhyme, rather than to add meaning. Examples include "Ah re, ah ree, Kord the Mighty..."   Oaths and epithets related to Kord include "May fate see your blade shatter!" "By Kord's sword!" and "By the blue boots of Kord!"

Tenets of Faith

Fists of Kord Dogma
  • Bravery above all. There is no glory in cowardice.
  • Strength is the path to greatness, but greatness is the responsible use of strength.
  • Obey the Rules of War.
  • The glory of the Stormlord lives through your own glory on the battlefield.
  Kord revels in physical challenges and competitions, advocating for non-lethal sports as a means of settling disputes within his community. According to his teachings, the strong and resilient should guide the less capable, and valor stands as the paramount virtue for all, whether ruler or commoner. “Everyone should scorn cowardice” advises Kord.  
Stormwarden Dogma
  • Battles are won through the prowess of worthy warriors, not by direct intervention from Kord.
  • War is impartial and impacts all equally, offering both challenge and opportunity for greatness.
  • Engaged individuals may either fall or rise to become esteemed leaders among their comrades.
  • War should be embraced as a natural phenomenon, akin to the storm brought forth by civilization's existence.
  • Equipall who require it for battle, even adversaries.
  • Retreat from hopeless conflicts but never shy away from battle.
  • Dispatch a single adversary decisively to swiftly conclude a battle.
  • Honor those who have fallen in battle.
  • Defend your convictions lest they be obliterated.
  • Show respect to all foes, as valor knows no bounds of age, gender, or race.
  • Favor honorable conduct in battle, eschewing cowardly tactics.
  • Consider the consequences of war's violence and refrain from engaging recklessly.
  • Avoid smooth talk and swift escape, as they cause more harm than aggressive actions.


Day of Challenging
The Day of Challenging is a holy day dedicated to the Stormlord and is celebrated on the fourteenth day of the second month (i.e., the 14th of Bazingadil).   In Bafigron, Keatis, Arasil, Buqmat, Ameros, Gontal, Albiril, Siril, Nars Duchies, thousands of spectators in each place attend the annual Godsbrawl held in the Temple of the Stormlord to root for their deity’s champion, particularly those chosen by the temples of the Stormlord and the local gods.  
Feast of the Fallen
The Feast of the Fallen, also known as 'Hail the Victorious dead' is a song that honor the dead and is the most important fixed date in the religious calendar. Each temple holds a Feast of Heroes at high sun and a Song of the Axe for the fallen at sunset, and most also have a ceremony after dark for lay folk.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Kord appears a human-like man, barrel-chested and with massive muscles. He wears iron bracers around his wrists. His beard is long and goes down to the middle of his chest. In one hand he carries a long, thick shortsword. His legs and midsection are clothed in furs and leathers.   Other Manifestations depicts him as a hugely muscular man with a red beard and long red hair. He wears a fighting girdle made from a red dragon's hide, gauntlets from a white dragon's hide, and boots from a blue dragon's hide. He wields the greatsword Kelmar in battle. Kord is sometimes depicted by his urbanized faithful as a more civilized athlete or wrestler.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kord arose from the first battle between Lune and Nyx, one of many such war deities to walk the world. In time, he defeated each and every one of his rivals in battle. Some oracles claim that in years to come He considers Soryna, his diametric opposite, to be naïve and weak. However, out of respect for her convictions, he punishes those of his faithful who abuse her clergy, shrines, or temples, feeling that war has little meaning without peace to define and highlight it. Helena, who considers him a foe, he regards as irrelevant and flighty and therefore unworthy of active opposition.  

Myths and Legends

Numerous mortals boast lineage tracing back to the formidable deity Kord, evident in the abundance of his offspring throughout Theras. Should a legitimate descendant of Kord demonstrate exceptional physical prowess, marked by natural scores of 19 or higher in two attributes, the deity himself appears before them on their 17th birthday to assess their worthiness—assessing their defiance of conventional law and martial prowess. If deemed worthy, Kord entrusts them with a monumental task. Upon successful completion, Kord intervenes, imbuing the individual with Idol status and seldomely Demi Power status, thus granting them special abilities through divine or other mystical means, although such divine intervention is rare and often met with hesitation from higher powers like Words of Creation.


Contacts & Relations

While Kord is considered master strategist among many, the truth is that Lendys is the superior Strategist and tactician, thinking for the longshot, and it is told that in an any battle of wits and strategy Lendys use a timeless perspective and genuine wisdom to win in every battle and strategy game.   It told that they cooperate many times in terms of battle thinking and strategy in the planes.
The Stormlord;
The Brawler;
Lord of Battles;
The Untamed Battlemaster;
Divine Classification
True Neutral
Related Myths
Ruled Locations
Eyre, Gaerdal Ironhand, Ilneval, Yesugei
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Nomog-Geaya, Shah, Shevarash
Strength, Athletics, Courage, Battle, Competition, Victory, Tactics, War
Brawling, Storm, Magi, Ki
Chaos (Riot), Luck (None), Protection, Strength, War
Four bolts of lightning radiating from the center of a shield
Barbarians, fighters, athletes, Magi, Monks
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Battleaxe, Greatsword, Bastard Sword
Holy Days
Day of Challenging, Feast of the Fallens


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