Bafigronian Ethnicity in Theras | World Anvil


Bafigronian is a general name of those from The Bafigron Empire.   Contrary to other beliefs, the Bafigronian are not so prideful to outsiders, but among themselves, they are exteremly proud, even though they control alot of the continent of Rakion and they are very much warlike in their choices and righteous in their wrath and are extremely prujudiced agaisnt 'evil' races.


Culture and cultural heritage

The concerns and lifestyles of diverse classes can vary significantly. Among the noble echelons, a predilection for sophisticated attire is prevalent, occasionally emulated in other people that are under the influence of The Bafigron Empire, albeit reaching its zenith within it. Both men and women employ various cosmetics, revealing subtle distinctions that denote social status. In formal public events, there's a proclivity for wearing intricate masks, passed down through generations and serving as familial identifiers nearly as distinct as heraldic crests. Even servants adopt simpler masks, less elaborate than their masters', signifying the noble household they serve.   Bafigornian aristocratic society is ruthless, marked by servile admiration for the powerful. Bards frequently entertain nobles in their courts, notwithstanding their roles as spies, assassins, and saboteurs working for other nobles. Nobles embrace these entertainers with full knowledge that any could be a bard, relishing the thrill of outsmarting a spy—a notion irresistible to the Bafigornian aristocracy.   Bafigornian commoners face the harsh reality of being subject to the nation's needs, a plight not shared by the nobility. During times of war, nobility-led press gangs forcibly conscript Bafigornian peasants into military service, willingly or not.

Common Dress code

A bare face is as bare as a sun-bleached bone, stripped of its secrets and stripped of its status. Especially before strangers or those of humble standing, Bafigronians wear their identities on their faces, not in naked flesh, but in the artistry of intricately crafted masks in formal settings. These masks, like half-moons kissed by the sun, are heirlooms whispered down generations, each curve and symbol a story etched in leather and silk. They proclaim family bloodlines as loudly as a lion's roar, identifying lineage and rank with a single glance. A lion motif woven into the mask? You're gazing upon a descendant of the Sunmane family, their servants adorned with simpler echoes of the same majestic beast. Forgery here is a dance with death, for every heart knows their own family's tapestry.   The tradition of wearing makeup is prevalent among both Bafigronian men and women. Even esteemed figures such as chevaliers may adorn themselves with cosmetics. There exists both masculine and feminine makeup, with outsiders finding it challenging to discern the distinction. Makeup serves as a telling indicator of social standing, with the quality and rarity of one's makeup, including uncommon hues and consistencies, conveying volumes about one's status.   While many nobiities coasts fine clothings, Bafigronian nobility overdo boasts clothing crafted from rich dyes, intricate patterns, and luxurious fabrics. Uncommon colors and materials are employed to suggest affluence and social standing. The preference tends toward flowing, layered attire that emphasizes opulence and prestige.

Art & Architecture

Every Town, has a museum, whether it is traditionally inside a church of Helios, their prime deity or Helena, Adis or any other place. For Bafigornians, art is exteremly soothing for the soul.   Also, every self-respecting large-town or city, has a theater for it is the most common leisure time, they spend. The Bafigronian make use of puppet theaters, acting theaters, storytelling theaters and more. The Bafigronians hold the stories of the fall of the Menedynn Empire very seriously and only in lower classes, they hold those stories in comical place.  
Modern Bafigronian architecture often incorporates arches, symmetry, bold colors, and intricate ornamentation, predominantly seen in the noble buildings. Striking disparities exist between affluent areas and impoverished regions in Bafigron. For the wealthy, Bafigronian architects employ bold color schemes and spare no expense in material selection. Blue, white, and gold, symbolic colors of Bafigronian nobility, dominate the homes and properties of the elite. White marble and gold characterize noble interior design. Religious iconography is seamlessly integrated into secular buildings, with ubiquitous images of the Neomen Pantheon often adorned with leafy ornamentation.   Common objects in Bafigron are crafted with flair, prioritizing trends and aesthetics over practicality. As appearance takes precedence, disrepair may follow what falls out of fashion. However, Bafigron is known for frequent, often expensive, building renovations to stay in vogue. Buildings with modern exteriors may conceal poorly crafted, decrepit internal structures, reflecting Bafigronian culture's emphasis on appearance over substance.

Foods & Cuisine

Bafigronian cuisine is renowned for its intricate and lavish nature, earning descriptions from outsiders as "ornate and sophisticated". Bafigronian feasts, showcase a plethora of courses, sparing no expense. Elaborate dishes such as gilded roast swan, pies harboring live birds, and an abundance of spit-roasted meat, necessitating the effort of numerous individuals, are not uncommon. Even their dough is anything but ordinary, with nobles relishing delicacies like croissants, the most famed pastry achieved through the meticulous folding and rolling of buttered dough, and other treats crafted from Bafigronian puff pastry dough. The Bafigronians' penchant for quality pastries is widely acknowledged. Additionally, the cuisine is characterized by creamy soups and various dishes rich in cream and sugar. Notable Bafigronian dishes encompass a pig peeking from a burrow and beloved by children, a poached egg dish served with a cream sauce, and in addition, a swan stuffed with a pheasant, stuffed with a quail. There is also a controversial version where a wyvern was stuffed with a gurn, stuffed with a horse, and so forth, resulting in a dish that stirred both offense and spectacle, prompting many nobles to either reject it or conceal their faces with napkins as they consumed it.   While the nobility indulges in extravagant diets, the common people craft hearty and modest dishes. Butter soup, perceived as simple and easily prepared, graces many rustic Bafigronian kitchens and is considered a refreshing mid-morning meal for fieldworkers or a nourishing option for convalescents and children. Among the common folk, one can find an array of food, including various sausages, pasties, goat's cheese, pickled ox-tongue, grainy black bread, and wild rabbit stew. Peasant bread, a straightforward concoction of grease, wheat, and salt, is occasionally topped with sugar and complemented with stew, butter, or jam. The side dish honey carrots, traditionally sweetened with honey, is a prevalent choice.   A diverse selection of desserts caters to the Bafigronian sweet tooth. From elaborate pastries to sour black cherries in cream and cherry sauce, puddings, and pies. They also adore tea biscuits in various flavors, which caused a stir in the Bafigronian court in the 10th century, leading to the widespread publication of the recipe for all citizens to enjoy. They also like thickened milk or heavy cream and is often served with a variety of toppings, including red grape compote, toasted almonds, cherry sauce, ribbons of fresh mango, or white chocolate with jasmine flowers.   In terms of beverages, Bafigron is a primary importer of Albirilian wine in Thedas and boasts extensive vineyards. Spiced wine has been a popular choice in Bafigronian families since the 700th. The Halflings in Bafigron are recognized for their production of dandelion wine, given the absence of vineyards and the costliness of grapes for traditional winemaking in many of The White Lands of Bafigron provinces.


Beauty Ideals

Most of the Bafigronian, unlike the Menedynn who had darker shades of hair, are brown haired, presumably migrating from the the lands of Die Unbesiegsind, fearing the Narsilians that came from Eldalor.   For Every Bafigornian, appearance is paramount, and society manifests this through fashion, makeup, art, architecture, food, and the social scene. It holds more significance to project the appearance of wealth and power than to necessarily possess wealth and power.  
A Modest Bafigronian

Relationship Ideals

The Bafigornian, unlike other Humans, are are bisexuals, often seeing marriage as temporary marriages, held mostly by in the clergy of Helena. The Typical Bafigornians, make some kind of mark or symbol , remarking the number of years that their marriage will last. Those marks can be marked by some kind of number of knots on the bride's hair or groom's hair if possible. Those knots can be untied by the other partner, as if to agree to the number of years, i.e. the number of knots can be ten and the groom can untie 2, to make it 8 years.   The Temporary marriages are there for commenorating the importance of family and them building a future together, rather than a romantic one. However, it is known that many are marrying for romance and limiting the years in order to create a family.   If the marriage is between same sex partners, then the marriage is mostly for romance, however, the higher you are in the hierarchy of a family, those unions are marked for shorter times, in order to further the bloodlines.
Parent ethnicities
Diverged ethnicities


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