House Saurd Organization in Theras | World Anvil

House Saurd

House Saurd, the decedents of Arasil, had betrayed the @edrah and became very much druidic in their ways, while also converting its faith to Morana. ar.   However, this kingdom had come to an abrupt end in the Nova Terra war and there are alot loyalist or rebels as some call that are not prepared to end the war. The Remnants of House Saurd, ironically, are supplied by Sofel.


This house, has a mild intervention from the Old Kyth Order, as this house royalty usually goes to study there under the guide of the Old Kyth Order, some becoming Kyth, others receiving education from the monastic order. The most northern house is stubborn and they are doing as they please, however this was overlooked as they were the most loyal to house Kh
Ruling Organization


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