Old Kyth Order Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Old Kyth Order

The Old Kyth Order, is a known organization until 1,051 AB. after they had immigrated from Xilon (and later on Bafigron) and they never interfered with the royal wars, as they had more important job.   The Old order of the Kyth, are a monastic order that are always interfering with planer travel and fighting planar travel, they had long oversaw things and lately, they lost their original purpose, near the end of their decline they had consumed their time intervening in the politics of Septoland and later on, Octoland. They had a lot of funding, which they use to pay spies, equipment for spying and never on open wars.


The Order was first founded in Xilon and later on transffered to the White Lands of Bafigron. When The Bafigron Empire rose to power and had begun genocide of the Genasi, known as The Purge. The Order was built on the understanding that the other planes are dangerous and they are to fight the far realms, abberations, Psionics, Illathids and many other abomination and atrocities.

-2000 - 1051

Parent Organization
Notable Members


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