Hyaline Bloom Material in Theras | World Anvil

Hyaline Bloom

Hylaine Bloom, also known as Bláth na Feithidí or Hyönteisen Kukka, is a physical-to-metaphysical material which is mostly known for its uses in druidic and primal magic.


Origin & Source

Hyaline blooms sprout from tree stumps upon which a will-o'-wisp was killed, through a process which is poorly understood by mortals; it is speculated that some elder hags understand the process in its entirety. Despite this, hyaline blooms were intentionally created for centuries in Grausur and for millennia in the Wychlands of Hexadömonir.

Life & Expiration

Generally speaking, hyaline blooms evaporate into nothingness over a period of two to three days. Some evidence suggests that storing a bloom in a seamless wooden container delays the evaporation process by an additional two to three day; the usage of common hornbeam might delay it up to five additional days.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Hyaline blooms are mostly used as druidic spell foci, for two specific purposes:
  • Facilitating the summoning of unusually large insect swarms, while also augmenting the individual insect's power and resilience.
  • In areas where primal magic is difficult to wield, hyaline blooms may serve as a bypass to the land itself and allow spellcasters to cast their spells.
  • Type
    2,800 gold pieces per growth.


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