Wych Lands of Hexadömonir Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Wych Lands of Hexadömonir

The Wych Lands of Hexadömonir, a realm shrouded in mystical energies and ancient traditions, have emerged as a powerful force in the wake of The Elemental and Genies Wars. These enigmatic sorceresses and their allies, the hag covens, have risen to prominence and carved their place in the ever-changing tapestry of Theras.  
The Berserkers of Hexadömonir
The Wyches of Hexadömonir have a fearsome reputation for their formidable warriors who embody the spirit of primal rage and power. Among their ranks, the Heksenes Vrede stand out as fierce and relentless fighters, instilling fear in the hearts of their enemies.


Elemental Era
(~7,000 BB to ~3500 BB) The witches of Hexadomonir were known for their mastery of elemental magic. Their spells are infused with ancient rituals and incantations, passed down through generations, and intertwined with the very fabric of the land they call home. The Wych Lands became a haven for those seeking to study the mystic arts, attracting ambitious sorcerers and spellcasters from far and wide.  
Neo-Elemental Era
(~3500 BB to ~50 BB) It should be noted that it was not only their mastery of magic that propelled the witches to power. They forged alliances with the hag covens. These covens, led by powerful hags, brought a darker, more primal aspect to the Wych Lands. Together, the witches and hags formed a formidable force, weaving their webs of influence and power across the land.  
Dualistic Era
With the establishment of The Bafigron Empire, a gradual shift in the beliefs and attitude of the wychs started forming. As the armies of Bafigron conquered the Lindar Tribes and continued marching east, the wychs turned to a dichotomic view - a power either destroys, or creates.


The Hags and the Witches' Wraths, venerate Hacate.

Foreign Relations

They maintain a delicate balance of power within their realm, fostering connections with neighboring factions and kingdoms - espacially the Lindar Tribes over the sea and. They are quite hostile toward Sofel - some might say that the Witches themselves found the power of the Magocracy to be powerful and fearful, but their lands and protections there are still mightier in defense - however, endless raids of Sofel do encumber the people welfare.
Founding Date
6,985 BB
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories


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