Kyth Profession in Theras | World Anvil


The Kyth are a small group of psionic-like warrior monks that focus on the balance and protection of the universe. They prefer diplomacy over battle, but can fight when the situation calls for it. Certain Kyth have been known to be a general in an army, a leader of a small raiding party, or a diplomat to settle a treaty between two kings. They channel a power that they call “The Visiderum” in order to enhance their own bodies, modify the world around them, or channel and manipulate elements.   The Visiderum is in fact psionic energy, however unlike other psionic creatures, they connect with the psion world. Small, fortified compounds can be found across the world where Kyth train their abilities and meditate on the mysteries of the Visiderum. Almost all aspirants enter at a young age, when they first become aware of their affinity for the special magic that Kyth wield, and they develop their abilities as they age. Very rarely does a Kyth become aware of their powers later in life.   Many Kyth sects treat the Visiderum with a reverence normally reserved for gods, or seek to protect it as with druids and nature. For many Kyth, balance is more important than good or evil. The membership of such orders are invariably ascetic and disinclined to concern themselves with the petty politics of ephemeral nations, save where the consequences of inaction would threaten the natural order.   By contrast, there are a few Kyth orders that reject such concepts as balance and neutrality, and instead believe hold that the Visiderum is a tool to deliver justice, or even vengeance. Those that follow this philosophy are sometimes called Karr, and have a tragic history of falling into depravity.   Kyth usually become adventurers as part of their training to ascend to full–fledged membership of their order, or because they have been dispatched on an important mission. A Kyth who is sent to investigate dark omens or disturbances in the Visiderum has great latitude in the execution of their task, and may spend years untangling various mysteries and threats that arise from their original purpose.

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