Kyth, Warder Profession in Theras | World Anvil

Kyth, Warder

Warders are the master of the art of Mindblade combat. They focus on utilizing the everpresent power of the Visiderum to enable devastating attacks, often single-handedly turning the tide of battle.   The Warder channels the power flowing through him into his weapons. Their skills with a martial arts are unrivalled. Subduing their enemies and bolstering their allies, the Warder uses the Visiderum to control what happens around them.   Warders are notoriously independent, most comfortable acting alone and without backup; where some use a team to make up for their weaknesses, the Warder uses the Visiderum to overcome theirs. While some take this independent streak to the extreme, they are usually accepting of authority, as long as they are allowed to carry out directions using their preferred methods.   The Warder’s command of the Visiderum lends them a powerful presence. Whether through fear and intimidation or respect and admiration, the Warder is one of the greatest generals on the battlefield. They are a symbol of power to their followers.


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