Lanorbor Settlement in Theras | World Anvil


Lanorbor, also known as Lanorbor Stronghold, is a large fortified city located beyond the Leimar Wetlands, on the shore of The Red Ocean. The city is under the control of the Kingdom of Ader, serving as a harbor of its navy.


The "city" is in fact a large military complex, presumably the largest on the continent. It's "denizens" are almost entirely members of The Aderian Admiralty and even common folk, such as those working as carpenters or net-makers, are employed as contractors by the kingdom's navy.   The vast majority of non-military citizens of the city are family members of military personnel or contractors, with most leaving once they come of age; those who don't are recruited or hired by the military, excluding rare specific cases. The other non-military personnel that can be found are various priests of the Andorian Church, often clerics of Talador, the patron god of the labyrinthine city.


Being a planned city, around what is first and foremost a military stronghold, denizens of Lanorbor are soldiers and know little freedom or rest during the weekdays. Work is supervised by Haupers, who report to higher tier officers with the rank of Captain, who in turn report to the mayor.   The entire popular premise and its inhabitants are under the command of the Quartermaster of the Admiralty, commonly abbreviated as QA, who also acts as the mayor, leading city councils and managing its routine civilian operations. Though they are outranked by virtually every officer, the QA answers only to the Lord Admiral of Ader (or the vice admiral in their absence).


Lanorbor is a fortress city, built with warfare in mind and withstanding sustained sieges as a top priority. As such, it's defences are formidable to say the least. However, most details regarding the city are censored due to their effectivenesss being amplified by the attacker's lack of knowledge.


Lanorbor is a preplanned city, making it, in that sense, distinct from every other city on the continent. It is built in concentric tiers that expand outwards from a central citadel located on a hill's summit and dug into the ground; it is estimated that as much as a whole third of the city is underground.   The city's sewers were built with defensive consideration before practical ones, and much like the city itself contain many dead ends and decoy tunnels. The only connection between different levels is through vertical shafts that expand downwards, making them virtually impossible to ascend.   The artificial harbor to its north hosts eight independent ports.


The city has a direct access to aquifer water, located almost immediately beneath the city itself; in addition to the main port, it is also supplied by two additional, hidden ports, that can be used for food smuggling in the event of a siege. In the unlikely case where the aforementioned measures fail to consistently supply the city, it quarters scores of Chaplains, most of whom are able to create food and water out of thin air.


The city was planned following the kingdom of Ader's devestating defeat in the Corgomuran War as a stronghold for the Aderian Admirality. Lacking any seaborne vessel, the supplies for its construction were transported via Navaran ships.


Due to the city's purpose and strategic importence, its unique architecture is notable for prioritizing martial considerations over civilian ones.   Upon entering the city, the most prominent feature is the fact that the city's buildings, all of whom are of the same height of 5 meters, have neiter windows nor doors. The plain walls are painted either completely white or completely black, without any discernable pattern and the streets have narrow ends with a wide midsection. While greatly hindering any attempts navigating the city made by invaders or non-locals, this also makes the streets into ideal killing corridors: efficient prevention of entry or exit with minimal manpower; people will tend to group in the wide and exposed midsection, easily controllable from the rooftops; and even with no one barring exit, evacuating a street is inevitably slow due to natural bottlenecking.   From a bird's eye view, one can see the bigger picture; the city is built in several circular concentric tiers, or terraces, with identical street layout, though each tier has its own unique dead ends, some as simple as a wall in the middle of a street and others more intricate, such as a slightly sharper turn curving back on itself instead of leading to a street its parallels did in other terraces.   From such perspective it is also evident that the city is as bustling as any other, though due to the nature of the streets' layout all commerce and movement takes place on the roofs. The streets themselves are the only way to ascend or descend along the different terraces, and as such aren't as crowded as one would expect a city's streets to be.
Military, Base
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
While the actual layout of the city is classified, some proposals have been released to the public by the ASC.
by rttuo
An early proposal for the city's layout
by rttuo
A later proposal for the city's layout


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