Aderian Survey Corps Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Aderian Survey Corps

The Aderian Survey Corps (abbreviated as ASC), colloquially and formerly known in Lake Kadia as the Cartographers Guild, is a service branch of the Might of the Holy Pact in charge of mapping the area of the Kadian Dominion and its surroundings. The organization is the only licensed cartography service present in the lake's area, a monopoly that is heavily maintained by the Kingdom of Ader for the myriad of strategic advantages it provides.


The organization is overseen by the Chief Cartographer who manages the day to day operation of the organization, and reports directly to the Sovereign of Ader. The ASC operates in every major city in the area of Lake Kadia, and in almost every town, with each having a designated Cartographer responsible for the mapping the area as well as evaluating land prices and tax rates.

Public Agenda

The Aderian Survey Corps is openly and regularly hiring adventurers and mercenaries to help with cartography and mapping efforts. The ASC also has a reputation of providing lucrative contracts even for trivial tasks, as they operate under the assumption that well payed freelancers often bring the best results. Despite this perceived openness to outsiders, actually receiving a contract is no easy feat, as the executing party often has to be up to specific and very demanding codes and standards.   Most of the peasantry know their closest Cartographer, as they are the people directly in charge of their officially recorded land value. Those decision directly affect taxes of local denizens and often leads to tensions.   Another aspect that falls under the responsibility of the organization is the recording and mapping of strategic resources around Lake Kadia, including rare metals and areas proven favored for agriculture. The organization also owns the largest, and oldest map catalogue in the area, and it shares relevant information with partners who are willing to consolidate their cartographic efforts to the ASC.   Some independent map makers and self proclaimed cartographers often voice concern over the state protected monopoly held by the organization, as well as its deep ties with the Kadian Intelligence Services.

From ground to the sky, ocean to mountain.

Guild, Professional
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities


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