Marthammor Duin Character in Theras | World Anvil

Marthammor Duin (mar-THAM-mor DOO-ihn)

Marthammor Duin is revered as the protector of adventurers, explorers, and dwarves who journey far from their homelands, guiding them to safety and success in their travels. Additionally, he safeguards dwarven artisans of good alignment, ensuring their homes and well-being remain secure.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

The clergy of Marthammor, known as the volamtar, once represented one of the most prominent dwarven religious institutions on the surface. Volamtar mark paths near dwarven strongholds, making it easier for those who choose to leave their clans to find their way. They patrol the trade routes and hunting grounds between humans and dwarven settlements, offering healing to the injured and clearing these areas of dangerous predators.   In cities, they build temples aimed at strengthening dwarven communities. These temples provide healing services, hold religious ceremonies, and act as hubs for information exchange. Some Volamtar, less keen on adventure, try to influence the governments of cities with dwarven populations. They do this by subtly entering minor political positions.  
Priestly Vestments
Priests of Marthammor wear simple gray robes with maroon overtunics. Both the front and back of the overtunics are decorated with a watchful eye symbol beneath the emblem of their god.   For protection, they prefer cloaks in neutral tones like gray, mottled green, brown, and gray combinations. While they can wear helmets if needed, they generally don't wear armor. Glowstones are highly valued by the Marthammoran clergy. It's common for priests to carry one or two of these stones, likely to aid them in navigating dark places or during nighttime rituals  
Volamtar pray for spells in the morning.

Tenets of Faith

Embrace the Open Road
Volamtar reject the perceived safety of their clan strongholds. Instead, they choose to travel far and wide. Their mission is to share the wisdom of the dwarven pantheon, Morndinsamman, with other races. By doing so, they hope to foster understanding and appreciation for the dwarven way of life.   Volamtar see themselves as helpers on the road. They readily assist fellow travelers and wanderers, believing that companionship makes the journey easier. They actively seek out new paths and unexplored lands, always striving to learn and grow through their adventures. Ultimately, Volamtar act as heralds of hope, spreading a message of optimism and possibility on their travels.


New Year's is a particularly joyous time, with festivities lasting for ten days. The celebrations are open to everyone, including non-dwarves. They typically involve the symbolic burning of worn-out iron tools and footwear. They usually inhabit loud singing and hearty drinking during the celebrations.

Personality Characteristics


In demeanor, Marthammor exhibits traits reminiscent of gnomes, displaying openness, friendliness, and an insatiable curiosity about the world beyond. He maintains a keen interest in the affairs of the wider multiverse, displaying a level of tolerance and acceptance uncommon among dwarves and their deities.


Contacts & Relations

Considered one of the younger members of the Morndinsamman, Marthammor's fellow deities often view his actions with a degree of tolerance, sometimes referred to as "antics". Moradin, his senior, anticipates that Marthammor may eventually settle down, expressing relief that he is not as chaotic as Dugmaren Brightmantle. Despite their differences, Marthammor and Dugmaren share a common interest in travel and knowledge-seeking, fostering a positive relationship between them. However, Marthammor holds a deep-seated animosity towards Goblinkin and evil giant gods, reserving a particular disdain for Grolantor.
Finder of Trails;
Watcher over Wanderers;
The Watchful Eyes;
Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Aligned Organization
Home Plane
Mount Celestia and Elysium
Subservient Deities
Guides, explorers, expatriates, travelers, lightning
Dwarf, Good (Agathion, Azata, Friendship), Protection, Travel
Upright mace in front of a fur-trimmed leather boot
Dwarves, fighters, rangers, travelers
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
“Glowhammer” (heavy mace)
Holy Days


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