Moradin Character in Theras | World Anvil

Moradin (MOR-uh-din)

Moradin, also known as the All-Father and All-Hammer, reigns supreme as the god of the dwarves and the leader of the dwarven pantheon, Morndinsamman. He is a deity of both unyielding strength and impartial judgment. Moradin embodies the concept of resilient willpower.   Since the Era of Upheaval, Moradin has become the god of Alcohol. Unlike Adis, for dwarves alcohol is an art and not purely for amusement .

Holy Books & Codes

Every temple is containing a copy of Scrolls of Narvil.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Moradin's clergy, known as Sonnlinor, typically follow the dwarven tradition of professions running in families. One aspect that is true to all Morndinsamman, the dwarven faith teaches reincarnation. Those who live a worthy life are believed to have their souls reforged in Moradin's mighty forge before being returned to the world of the living; Dwarven sorcerers are seen as particularly blessed by Moradin, their arcane abilities recognized as divinely granted gifts.  

Day-to-Day Activities

  • Eradicating Evil
    The Sonnlinor actively combat the forces of darkness, particularly the orcish hordes and followers of the destructive deity Gruumsh, Maglubiyet and other destructive deities.
  • Expansion and Recognition
    The Sonnlinor lead the drive to establish new dwarven kingdoms and elevate the dwarven standing among other surface races.
  • Preparing the Nectar of Moradin
    Unlike the joyful runts of Adis and his clergy or other religions, alcohol has an important place in Moradin's place. It is the fruit of the earth that all crafters of the dwarves carry a blessing as alcohol didn't hinder the Dwhewn's ability to comprehend, but only raise their spirits.
  • Moral Guidance
    They play a vital role in shaping dwarven society, upholding moral principles and integrating Moradin's teachings into everyday life. They emphasize how Moradin blesses core dwarven activities like mining, smithing, and engineering, and often invoke his favor when undertaking such endeavors.
  • Shepherding the Community
    Priests of Moradin serve as community pillars. They preside over important ceremonies, meticulously maintain genealogical records, and safeguard dwarven historical archives.

Priestly Vestments

They dress in practical clothing of earthy tones, often adorned with heavy armor and distinctive silvered helms and most Sonnlinor clerics carry a miniature warhammer crafted from electrum, often imbued with magical power.    


The Hierarchy is very rigid and tradition holds the heart of the church:
  1. Novices
    The Novices are divided into 5 categories:
    • Anvil-Wielders
      They are Masters of crafting and forging, known for their unwavering commitment to their craft.
    • Wardens of Flame
      Experienced priests skilled in both martial prowess and defensive magic, protecting dwarven communities from threats.
    • Runecarvers
      Experts in dwarven lore and history, responsible for maintaining historical records and crafting magical runes.
    • Forge Masters
      Usually the charismatic leaders within the faith, overseeing the construction of grand dwarven structures and powerful magical artifacts.
    • Soul Architects
      Highly revered priests who guide the spiritual well-being of dwarven communities and oversee healing, ressurections rituals.
  2. Full Priests
    Mopst called as Forge-Shapers and unlike the Novices, who can be of any level and expertise, they gain access to the full support of all the Morndinsamman clergies and are usually there as spectators. Though not able to vote, they can vouch and give support in order to support all Dwhewn.
  3. Hammers of the Mountains
    This rank, unlike the other is for those who seek to ascend. The church is sending those priests into ventures far and wide and they are usually one of the 3 categories:
    • Adept of the Anvil
      They are those who convey their own knowledge and mastery to the new Dwhewn they meet along the way.
    • Runecrafters
      They are those who are incharge of devloping new runes and granting boons to the new Dwhewn they meet.
    • Forge-Mind
      Usually Oracles, but not only - they are those of great prowess in both intellect and spiritual connection to the world and Moradin.
  4. High Forger
    They are the Leaders of the communities and incharge sometimes of whole clans or cities of dwarves. Even in places dedicated completely to other gods, they hold the most honorable place.
  5. Keepers of the Eternal Forge
    While almost not on the prime material plane, they are the high-council, the brothers on high of the Morndinsamman, making choices that always benefit dwarf kind
Temples to Moradin are always underground and are not mere excavations of natural caverns, but grand structures meticulously carved from the living rock. Moradin's symbols, the hammer and anvil, are prominently displayed throughout, a constant reminder of the deity's domain. Towering statues of Moradin the All-Father and other dwarven gods stand as guardians within these sacred halls.   The heart of every Moradin temple is a vast forge. This forge transcends its utilitarian purpose, serving as a space imbued with profound spiritual significance. Dwarven forges are not solely powered by muscle and hammer blows. This eternal flame is protected by a permanent magical ward, a wall of fire. Should this flame ever extinguish, it is considered a dire omen. The temple itself is deemed desecrated, and one of two fates awaits it: either complete abandonment, or a painstaking process of demolition and reconstruction on a new site. Occasionally, a dwarven community may choose to rebuild the temple on its original foundations, meticulously restoring it and re-consecrating it to Moradin.
  Occasionally, the priests of the clergy often have a well within the temple, and bless it every 6 months, changing every liquid there to alcohol, the volume and quality of the liquid is dependent upon Moradin's favor. Whenever the drink becomes sour, the Clergy and entire community usually fast for an Asira and do not drink any alcohol, contemplating their sins or wrongdoing.  
Moradin's sacred day is usally every crescent Sehanine and he is worshiped at forges and hearths.   Regular ceremonies are held within the temples. Priests enter the temple, offering a respectful bow to the forge. In times of peace, they symbolically surrender their weapons to the temple guards before striking the anvil by the entrance with their hammers once. The presence of the forge serves as a reminder to settle disputes peacefully. Priests of other deities are not permitted to approach the forge itself without explicit permission from a Hammers of the Mountain or a direct manifestation of Moradin. These ceremonies involve humble prayers and open discussions about current issues facing the dwarven community. All participants are considered equals in these discussions, though the ranking priest of Moradin holds the authority to guide the conversation.   Moradin's prayers often incorporate metaphors of metalworking. A common prayer expresses devotion by stating, "You burn the dross from me, but the iron remains", signifying the desire to be refined by hardship while retaining inner strength. Genealogy holds a significant place in Moradin's rites. Funeral prayers often meticulously recite the ancestry of the deceased, tracing their lineage back for hundreds of generations.   On the holidays, dwarves honor Moradin through a ritual of sacrifice. Common and precious metals are offered to the deity by melting them down in the temple forge. These molten metals are then reformed into sacred objects used by the clergy in their service to Moradin. Dwarven participants kneel in reverence, chanting prayers as they reach with bare hands into the flames of the forge to retrieve the glowing metal. Moradin's faithful are protected from harm during this sacred act.

Tenets of Faith

  • Heed the will of Moradin, the All-Hammer, our father and the forge that birthed our race. Toil without rest, for a dwarf's worth is measured in sweat and steel.
  • Embrace the cleansing fire of labor, for it tempers the spirit and reveals wisdom's hidden depths. Strive to forge inner strength, a soul as unyielding as dwarven iron.
  • The wisdom of those who came before us is the flame that lights our path. Uphold the traditions that have sustained us for generations, for they are the anvil upon which a strong dwarven spirit is forged. Let these traditions be a beacon for future generations, ensuring their place in the long line of dwarven legacy.
  • Seek truth with a miner's pickaxe, for it lies buried beneath layers of lies and deceit. Discern truth from falsehood, for much that glitters is slag.
  • Honor Moradin by perfecting your craft. Become a master of mine and forge, for excellence brings glory to your clan, your god, and yourself.
  • Obey your clan leader, for they are Moradin's chosen on earth. Expand dwarven dominion, carve new holds from the mountain's heart, and leave a legacy etched in stone.
  • Moradin despises those who take their own lives. Such weakness denies the chance to be tempered by hardship and condemns the soul to eternal torment in the fiery depths.


Moradin's holy days fall monthly as stated above; this is normally when Sehaniine is full. In addition, any High High Forger may call a holy day at any time, often doing so in celebration of some local event.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Moradin Moradin appears as a stern male Dwarf twenty feet in height. He has powerful musculature, particularly in his upper body. His beard is long and flowing, reaching to his knees; it is depicted as either snow-white or coal-black. Moradin dresses plainly, wearing furs and the leather leggings and aprons of a humble smith. On his forearms are his only concession to vanity, a pair of pure gold bracers. In battle he wears dwarven plate and carries a large shield. His large, glowing war hammer is named Soulhammer. A pure white radiance of divine power radiates from the Dwarffather, though he can suppress this at will.
The All-Father sometimes sends messages that appear etched in stone to those he favors, while earthquakes are seen as the ultimate sign of his anger. Those who survive an earthquake are thought to be blessed.

Special abilities

Ability to resurrect patitioners of other planes
The All-Father is the only divine being to be able to return Patitioners of other planes to life - a feat only Ervenius was capable of.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Dwarven myths tell of Moradin's birth from the very earth itself. They believe him to be forged from rock, stone, and the unyielding strength of metal, with a soul that burns like an eternal ember. Legends claim that Moradin, the All-Hammer, personally crafted the first dwarves from precious metals and gems. He then breathed life into them, their souls igniting with the same fiery spirit that resided within him.  

Myths and legends

Rotation of the Continents
Since the Dawn of the Mortal races, in around 60,000 BB, It was told that most mortal races were created in today continental Epeoris and then, Moradin, in his infinite wisdom, created the Rotation of the Continents inside the Prime Material Plane in order to distribute the people of the world so they would flourish among the resources, Thus naming him, All-Father for all races and the creator.  
The Myth of Creation
  The Forging of the World
In the dawn of existence, before time itself had a name, there existed only The Soul Forge. This forge resided within the Home of the Maker, a realm bathed in the perpetual glow of the Caverns of the Everlasting Flame - presumably, The Eternal Forge.   Within this fiery heart of creation, the Maker-, a being of immense power, wielded both hammer and tongs. Using these tools, he fed the Eternal Forge with raw materials - stone and the very essence of fire. From this inferno, the Maker birthed the world itself. With each mighty blow of their hammer, he shaped the land, forging the towering mountains, gentle hills, and the vast hollows and valleys.   Once the world was roughly formed, a glowing-hot sphere, the Maker plunged it into the Trough of Life. The sudden immersion caused a dramatic shift. Steam erupted from the quenching process, condensing into the first wispy clouds. Meanwhile, the waters of the Trough overflowed, filling the valleys and forming the world's seas.   Finally, the Maker placed the newly forged world upon a foundation of purest mithril, a metal of unmatched strength and beauty. Thus, the world remained, a testament to the power and ingenuity of the Maker.
  The Forging of the Gods
Having shaped the world, the Maker returned to the Eternal Forge. This time, they combined elements from their creation. Water from the Trough of Life, stone from the newly formed world, and molten iron for added strength were all brought together. This unique alloy was then shaped upon the Anvil of Spirit.   From this remarkable material, the Maker forged the other gods, destined to be their assistants in the ongoing work of creation. Following the pattern used for the world itself, the Maker quenched the glowing forms of these new deities in the Trough of Life. Life was then breathed into them, and the gods awoke.   The Maker then took on the role of a teacher, imparting their vast knowledge. The Gods of Crafts learned the art of creation, understanding how to fashion things that would bring joy to the Maker. The God of Fire was instructed in the art of burning brightly and nurturing the flames of life. The Gods of the Elements received their knowledge, understanding their place within the grand design of the world.

  The Forging of the Dwarves
The deity of Evil, unnamed in legends as is the Maker, harbored jealousy toward the Maker and his creations. In bleak and desolate caverns, devoid of warmth and light, the deity fashioned goblins, hobgoblins, evil giants, and other monstrous entities. Deprived of the pure essence of the Trough of Life, the clay used by the deity bore the mark of its own corruption, imbuing its creations with darkness. Inciting discord among the other deities shaped by the Maker, the deity of Evil twisted their minds with its malevolent rhetoric. Some succumbed to its influence and created races of their own, giving rise to elves, gnomes, humans, and other non-evil beings. Although less tainted than the creations of the deity of Evil, they lacked the iron that was imbued into every dwarf's soul.   The dragons, slumbering beneath the world's surface since time immemorial, were awakened by the activities of the lesser races. In their panic, the lesser races sought to appease the dragons' wrath by divulging tales of dwarven riches. Forced to abandon the caverns of their forebears, the dwarves established new settlements closer to the surface to evade the dragons' fury.
  Another theory states the creation of the dwarves followed the formation of other races. Moradin forged each race on his anvil, but found them flawed upon completion. He then released them into the world to fend for themselves before starting anew. Eventually, his wife Berronar, the goddess of wisdom, advised him to introspect and seek the ideal design within his heart. Moradin heeded her counsel and crafted a race in his likeness, which became known as the dwarves - deemed as the epitome of perfection.The Creation of the Other Races


Contacts & Relations

Moradin reigns supreme within the dwarven pantheon. He is bound by a sacred union to Berronar Truesilver.   Moradin's fiercest adversary is Gruumsh, the destructive god of orcs. Their enmity is a reflection of the clash between order and chaos, civilization and destruction. Similarly, Maglubiyet, the goblinoid deity of fury and violence, is another sworn enemy. Moradin extends this animosity to the entire pantheon of orcs, goblinoids, kobolds, and evil giants, viewing them as threats to dwarven ideals.   Moradin recognizes the need for strategic alliances to maintain balance in the cosmos. He maintains a pragmatic working relationship with Yondalla, and Corellon Larethien.   Moradin fosters strong bonds with deities who share his values. Bahamut, is a natural ally. He also enjoys camaraderie with deities like Helios, Cyrrollalee, Garl Glittergold, Flandal Steelskin, and Kossuth.

Family Ties

Within dwarven myths, Moradin is sometimes referred to as the father of other dwarven deities.
The All-Father;
The All-Hammer;
The Soul Forger;
The Creator;
Divine Classification
Lawful Good
Aligned Organization
Related Myths
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Mount Celestia
Dwarves, Metalcraft, Smithing, Stonework, Runes and Rune Magic, Rotation of the Sphere
Alcohol, Architacture, Engineering, Legacy, Creation, Protection, scholarship, Invention
Artifice, Dwarf, Earth, Fire (Smoke), Glory, Good (Angel, Archon, Friendship), Law (Angel, Archon, Judgement, Legislation, Loyalty), Nobility (Aristocracy, Leadership, Martyr), Protection, Rune, Strength (Resolve), War
A flaming anvil or Anvil and Hammer
Dwarves, Warriors, Brewers, Distillers, Leaders
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Soulhammer (warhammer)
Holy Days


Hammers of Moradin
The Hammers of Moradin are a legendary dwarven order, wielding both martial prowess and divine favor. This elite force, comprised of crusaders and fighting clerics, boasts chapters in nearly every dwarven stronghold. Membership extends across clan lines, uniting dwarves under the banner of Moradin. These stalwart warriors serve a dual purpose. They act as both commanders, leading dwarven armies in times of war, and as an elite strike force capable of facing any threat. From quelling orcish hordes to confronting fearsome wyrms or malevolent fiends from the abyss, the Hammers stand resolute. Their unwavering dedication extends to both defending existing dwarven strongholds and carving out new territories for their people. Individual chapters of the Hammers of Moradin possess a significant degree of autonomy. However, during times of great crisis, a Grand Council convenes. These esteemed leaders gather to strategize, forge a unified response, and seek guidance in discerning Moradin's will for their people.

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