Morndinsamman Organization in Theras | World Anvil


The Morndinsamman (a dwarven term meaning "shield brothers on high" or "high dwarves") or Moradinsamman. was the group name of the dwarven pantheon.   The Stout Folk of Theras worship a pantheon of deities collectively known as the Morndinsamman, a term that can be loosely translated shield brothers on high or the high dwarves. The composition of the pantheon varies slightly from clan to clan (and even more so from world to world), but the powers presented hereafter are venerated or at least acknowledged in most dwarven communities.   Although the term Morndinsamman is commonly used to refer to all acknowledged dwarven gods, formal membership in the pantheon is determined by Moradin. The good and neutral dwarven gods, including Moradin, Berronar Truesilver, Angradd, Dugmaren Brightmantle, Dumathoin, Duragg Deephallow, Haela Brightaxe, Marthammor Duin, Sharindlar, Magrim, and Vergadain, have always been members in good standing. Orosaban is still a member, as his treachery has ever been proven, although most of his fellows detest him. Laduguer was banished by the All-Father long ago, and Deep Duerra was exiled immediately following her apotheosis and ascension, but both are considered members-in-exile.    The Morndinsamman are intimately involved with the lives of their worshipers, and the Stout Folk as a whole are an unusually devout race. Faced with the slow decline of dwarves across Theras, the dwarven powers have become increasingly active as they seek to reverse that trend. Correspondingly, dwarven religion has assumed an increasingly important role in dwarven culture and society. The dwarven pantheon is predominantly male, reflecting the population imbalance between the two genders.   The members of the Morndinsamman are scattered across the Outer Planes. This may be symbolic and reflective of the dwarven desire for territory and living space; just as mortal dwarves are ever exploring new territory below the surface world, the deities themselves live apart as well. An oddity of the dwarven deities is that most can, if they wish, have their avatars appear huge in stature - up to 20 feet tall in the case of Moradin. Dwarven theologians believe this reflects their activist natures and inspirational roles as leaders among the dwarves.   One aspect that is true to all Morndinsamman, the dwarven faith teaches reincarnation. Those who live a worthy life are believed to have their souls reforged in Moradin's mighty forge before being returned to the world of the living; Dwarven sorcerers are seen as particularly blessed by Moradin, their arcane abilities recognized as divinely granted gifts.   Members of the Morndinsamman
  • Orosaban, Great Master of Greed.
  • Berronar Truesilver, The Revered Mother, Mother of Safety.
  • Angradd, The Father of Battle, The Giantkiller, The Goblinbane, Lord of the Twin Axes,The Rock of Battle, The Wyrmslayer.
  • Dugmaren Brightmantle, god of invention, discovery, scholarship, runes.
  • Dumathoin, Keeper of Secrets under the Mountain, The Silent Keeper.
  • Duragg Deephallow, god of Fathom Dwarf and defense.
  • Haela Brightaxe, Lady of the Fray, Luckmaiden, The Hard, Battle-sister.
  • Moradin, All-Father, Dwarffather, Soul Forger, The Creator.
  • Sharindlar, goddess of healing, mercy, romance.
  • She'eros, The Righteous Wrath, The Beacon of Justice, The Captain of Celestia.
  • Magrim, god of the wild dwarves, survival, hunting.
  • Vergadain, god of wealth, trade, luck.
Members of the Duergar
  •  Deep Duerra, goddess of psionics, conquest, expansion.
  • Laduguer, god of the duergar, toil, craft.
  Dead Members
  • Marthammor Duin, Finder-of-Trails, Watcher over Wanderers, The Watchful Eye.


The dwarven gods are said to have sprung from stone and earth, beginning with Moradin. Berronar is universally held to be Moradin's wife, and many dwarven theologians hold that all the other dwarven powers are their descendants, although the exact ordering and ancestry vary from myth to myth. After Moradin and Berronar, the oldest dwarven powers are thought to be Dumathoin, Orosaban, Laduguer, Angradd, Sharindlar.   The next group of dwarven gods commonly worshiped in the Theras includes Magrim, Duragg Deephallow, Marthammor Duin, and Dugmaren Brightmantle. Recent additions to the dwarven pantheon, said to be the grandchildren of Moradin and Berronar, have included Haela Brightaxe and Deep Duerra.   While some nondwarven scholars claim that the Stout Folk migrated to Theras from another crystal sphere early in the history of the world - perhaps through a gate located in the heart of the planet - the collective dwarven racial memory holds that their ancestors sprang fully formed from the heart of the world itself. The All-Father is said to have secretly fashioned dwarves of iron and mithral in his Soul Forge, using his huge magical hammer to beat the bodies into shape and then breathing on his creations to cool them and to give them souls.   One is struck, in a study of dwarven theology, by the relationship between procreation and metalcraft; perhaps more than one dwarven smith has looked upon a finished piece of work and felt as if she or he had breathed life into the metal and given it a soul of sorts, as Moradin did long ago. Moradin taught the first dwarves the skills of smithing and metalworking, enabling them to exploit the riches of their homes in the mountains and craft items to allow further exploration. These early dwarves also learned toolmaking and weaponcrafting from Moradin, who watches over these activities still. No dwarven deity has a sacred or totem animal, and the holy symbols used to represent them are invariably not living objects. This derives in large part from some of the teachings of Moradin, who ruled that the dwarves must hold no other race above them; having an animal as a symbol would imply that animal was better than the dwarves. Likewise, Moradin said that the dwarves should not ever worship each other, so no Dwarf or part of one is ever used as a holy symbol.   In many versions of the myths concerning the founding of the race, the earliest dwarves must fight their way up from the world's core to the mountains above, overcoming many dangers on the way. These are usually great monsters and physical hazards that the dwarves overcome by strength, combat, and physical skill, rather than by wit or trickery. These early myths are fully consistent with the way in which dwarven theology stresses the pragmatic and practical. There is absolutely no place for the arcane or mystical in dwarven myths, legends, and beliefs.
by Wayne England
The Dwarvish pantheon in this order from left to right: Orosaban, Berronar, Angradd, Dumathoion, Duragg, and on the lower row: Duerra, Dugmaren Brightmantle.
by Wayne England
The Dwarvish pantheon in this order from left to right: Moradin, Marthamor, Dumathoion and on the lower row : Haela, Laduguer, Sharindlar, Magrim, Vergadain.


Basic Information

Shield Brothers on High, the High Dwarves
Base of Operations
Dwarfhome, Dwarvish Mountain



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