Masech Character in Theras | World Anvil


Masech, the deity of secrets, assassination, and thievery, is a shrouded figure known by various titles. Some revere him as the Shadow Lord, while his hidden cults whisper more disturbing epithets. His true motives remain an enigma, even to many of his devout followers who blindly follow his cryptic pronouncements.   Masech embodies a captivating paradox. He exudes an air of unwavering self-possession and confidence, his mind a labyrinth of intricate plots. Yet, his schemes often lead him into unforeseen trouble, hinting at a playful or even self-deprecating side. Though wary, he maintains a cool demeanor, rarely losing his temper. A sardonic observer of the world, Masech always seems on the verge of a mocking comment, a smirk hidden behind ever-shifting guises. His true form remains a mystery, another layer in the enigma that is Masech.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Masech's followers, viewed with suspicion across Theras, operate in a clandestine network often branded as a cult. Outlawed in almost every nation, their worship finds a precarious tolerance in only a few select cities. Divided into four secretive sects, each focuses on a distinct aspect of Masech's teachings, with minimal interaction between them.   A hallmark of the cult is the elaborate mask worn by its devotees. These masks serve not just as symbols of devotion, but also as a means of identification within the cult. Some wear masks depicting specific emotions or conveying cryptic signals, furthering the air of mystery. Often adorned with hinged jaws and colored lenses, these masks add to the unsettling aura of Masech's followers.   The reputation of Masech's church precedes it. While not feared for overt cruelty, their penchant for pilfering and lurking in the shadows inspires unease. Outsiders scoff, seeing the organization as little more than a glorified thieves' guild draped in the trappings of religion – a perception that holds a disturbing truth. Political circles whisper of the Lord of Shadows' influence, suspecting his church of acting as a clandestine network of spies for hire.  
Day-to-Day Activities
The devoted of Masech lead a double life. By day, they meticulously plot their next moves, supporting individual thieves and collecting tithes from established guilds. The approach to unaffiliated thieves varies by temple: some offer discreet aid while tipping off the local guild, others deny help and report them, while a select few assist anyone willing to pay the appropriate tithe, maintaining strict secrecy.   Maintaining anonymity is paramount. Services are often held in hidden shrines beneath guildhalls, accessible through networks of underground tunnels or sewers. In areas dominated by a single powerful guild, the temple might even be directly connected to its headquarters. In bustling cities with competing guilds, Masech's temple serves as a rare neutral ground, respected by all.   A central element of every temple is the Altar of the Shadow Lord. It typically takes the form of a massive stone block, adorned with a mask fashioned from black velvet, fur, or silk, seemingly hovering above it. Alternatively, a wall mosaic crafted from precious gemstones might serve as the backdrop.  
Clerics of Masech pray at night in darkness or shadows.
Veil's Vigil
Twice a month, major temples enact the Veil's Vigil, a chilling ceremony acknowledging Masech's constant, watchful gaze. This ritual ensures no deed, however clandestine, escapes his notice. Hymns echo through the hidden chambers, verses are chanted in hushed tones, and offerings of wealth are presented to appease the enigmatic deity.  
Twilight Whispers
Daily devotions are also central to the faith. At sunset, both lay followers and devoted believers gather for the Twilight Whispers. Kneeling before the central altar, they offer whispered supplications and a symbolic coin.  
Shadow's Reversal
In a darkly humorous twist, perhaps reflecting Masech's penchant for turning the tables, junior clergy present coin to their superiors, while the highest-ranking cleric gifts the lowest. This ritual, known as the Shadow's Reversal, serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of the Lord of Shadows, where hierarchy can be fleeting.

Tenets of Faith

The Shadow's Creed

For those who walk the hidden paths, a code whispers on the wind, a philosophy etched in the secrets held close. It is the way of Masech, the Lord of Shadows, a creed for those who dance with deception and revel in the unseen.  
  • Within the veiled corners of the world, Masech holds dominion. Every whispered secret, every plot hatched in darkness, falls under his watchful gaze.
  • Ownership is not a birthright, but a claim secured by cunning and swiftness. The world belongs to those who can seize it, the quick-fingered and the silver-tongued who understand the true meaning of possession.
  • A keen mind and silent steps are the tools of the devoted. Deception and wit become weapons, allowing you to manipulate situations and shroud your true intentions.
  • Fortune flows freely, but only to those who possess the skill to grasp it. Seek riches with a discerning eye, for the greatest treasures are worth the greatest risks.
  • Honesty is a weakness, a tool for the naive. Learn to weave truth and lies into a tapestry of believable deception. A well-crafted illusion can be far more powerful than any blunt utterance.
  • Subtlety reigns supreme. The greatest victory lies in maneuvering others to your will, leaving them believing they acted of their own accord.
  • The obvious path is a snare. Always strive to remain one step ahead, your true intentions cloaked in shadow, leaving your enemies confused and vulnerable.
  • Seek solace in the hidden places. The light reveals all, while the shadows become your haven, a place where your skills flourish and your foes stumble blindly.
  Those who follow this creed walk a path of intrigue and hidden power. They are the unseen hand, the whispered word, the ever-present shadow that shapes the world from the darkness.


The Night of Hidden Blades
Celeberated on the 22nd and 23rd of Ilvin, this two-day celebration marks the supposed ascension of Masech to power. Devoted followers gather for elaborate masked balls, exchanging gifts of lockpicks, poisons, and forged documents. Shadow puppet plays depicting legendary thieves and assassins are performed, and masked orators deliver cryptic pronouncements on the virtues of stealth and cunning. The festivities culminate in a night of daring heists and acts of sabotage across the city, seen by some as a playful tribute to Masech's mischievous nature.  
The Veiled Offering
This shrouded ritual usually celeberated in Midwintert, is shrouded in secrecy even among Masech's followers. This holiday takes place sometime in the heart of winter. Heretics whisper of a dark ceremony where an innocent is sacrificed, poisoned as an offering to appease the enigmatic deity. The truth behind this ritual remains shrouded in mystery, with many suspecting it to be a fabrication spread by those who fear Masech's influence.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Masech past before he ascended into godhood, is unknown. His followers go to great lengths to keep it a secret. Some believe that if the origin of the god became known, the god himself would become undone.
The Shadow Lord;
Master of all Thieves;
Patron of Rogues;
The Prince of Coin;
Mastermind in the Dark;
The Silent Thief;
Divine Classification
Lesser Power, Aspect of Vhaeraun
Neutral Evil
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Shadowfell and Hades
Subservient Deities
Erins The Silent Death.
Shadows, Thievery, Thieves, Greed, Secrets, Assassins
Charm, Darkness, Evil, Knowledge, Luck, Trickery
One-eyed mask
Assassins, beggars, criminals, rogues, shades, shadow dancers
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Sword of Damnation (Shortsword or longsword)
Holy Days
The Night of Hidden Blades, The Veiled Offering


The church of the Shadowlord has no affiliated knightly orders. Members of the clergy who have pulled off a particularly daring heist or intricate piece of manipulation of people and events are often admitted (voted on by acclamation at a secret yearly meeting of members of the order) to the Circle of the Gray Ribbon. Many thieves guilds (as well as individual thieves) throughout Rakion have connections to the church and rely on it for medical and tactical support.


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